Sunday, June 6, 2010

Asus Headphone And S/pdif

I caromut!

Saturday meeting held in Cascina Rosa was a beautiful stalls selling books and as soon as I saw ... I bought it instantly! A book on natural biscuits! Here it is> here <

There are very many brownie recipes on vegan, no sugar or other refined sweeteners. It is used mainly corn malt, but I always substitute with rice or barley malt.
The ideas are so many and the recipes are sorted according to grain: there are recipes with wheat, with barley, with rice, kamut, with maize and millet!

Since I had just made of carrots and a little flour kamut I immediately launched into the proof of a prescription: the CAROMUT! What a lovely name! In addition I have decorated with a piece of fresh cherry. Thank goodness I have a furnace in the basement, otherwise I would have banned cooking in the oven for a while, with'm hot!

Actually I have been boycotted by the cream of tartar, for the second time, I made the dough rise. It 's weird because it is not expired or old, but the fact is that a packet did not move l'impasto neanche di mezzo millimetro.

L'ho comprato al Gigante per comodità ed economia, vorrà dire che ritorno a prendere quello del naturasì...maledetti!

Non vi dico poi le litigate con la sacca da effetti se si chiama così ci sarà un motivo...chi non è pasticcere dovrebbe ben guardarsi dall'usarla?! La mia impressione è stata quella, perchè tra pezzetti di nocciole incastrati, bolle d'aria che facevano esplodere l'impasto e fuoriuscite misteriose da tutte le parti, ho insozzato per bene tutta la cucina e anche la sottoscritta...! Mah!!

I biscottini comunque sono molto carini e anche buoni buoni, adoro i dolcetti alle carote!


kamut flour 250 gr 150 gr of rice or barley malt
150 g carrots 50 g roasted hazelnuts clean

60 ml corn oil 50 ml warm water or apple juice 18 oz cream of tartar

a handful of cherries

lemon peel 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 pinch of salt

Preparation time: 10 seconds
Frullte carrots with salt, cinnamon and lemon peel. Add the hazelnuts and operated again, then add the oil and malt and blend until mixture is smooth. Add the flour and baking powder and water mixed. Knead until the dough feels soft and put them in pastry (and here begins the mess!). Squeeze on the baking sheet forming bastoncini, delle S o delle spirali.
Decorate ciascun biscottino con un pezzetto di ciliegia.

Cuocete i biscotti nel forno caldo a 190° per 15 minuti circa. Lasciateli intiepidire e serviteli!

ps. sono contenta di dire che la torta pere e zenzero è stata venduta subito, meno male!

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Connected Webcam Before Installing Driver

Tart Pear and Ginger to Cascina Rosa

Finalmente è Giugno! Il che significa, secondo me, che ormai è estate! Giugno porta con se tutte le festicciole e sagre dei dintorni, le prime gite in piscina, le prime tintarelle...insomma ti prepara per il solleone di Agosto.
E a proposito di eventi, domani a Milano si terrà Cascina Rosa aperta, dalle 9.00 alle 17.00 presso Cascina Rosa, via Vanzetti 5, Milano.
Il programma è interessante, ci saranno conferenze a cui interverrà tra gli altri il dott. Franco Berrino, si potranno praticare attività fisiche e provare massaggi shiatsu, tuina e molti altri.
E poi, cosa per me più pappa!! Si fa colazione, pranzo e merenda inseme, il tutto preparato dallo chef dell'associazione L'ordine dell'universo ( ) che, a mio parere, è uno dei migliori nel suo campo.

Per l'occasione si possono portare dolci fatti in casa, che verranno venduti e il cui ricavato andrà al progetto Diana 5!
L'anno scorso non ero riuscita a preparare nulla ma stavolta si!! Per l'occasione ho made a tart with pears and ginger. Since I had to prepare now I have avoided too delicate fruits like strawberries and fresh cherries ... although I love the idea!

Here is the recipe, of course according to the criteria of macrobiotics!

Kamut flour 400 g 100 g rice flour 100 grams almond flour

5 tablespoons corn oil 3 tablespoons of barley malt
300 ml apple juice 2 pears

a large piece of fresh ginger ( about 10 grams) 1 teaspoon of agar agar

bio peel of one lemon 1 teaspoon baking

sea salt Preparation:
the pie is always the same: first the dry ingredients ie flour, baking soda and salt. We also add the lemon peel grated keep aside a little for cooking the pears. Add oil, work well with your hands. Then also add a tablespoon of malt and blended. Mix with apple juice until the mixture is smooth and let rest in refrigerator for half an hour.
Meanwhile wash and peel the pears. Tagliamole into quarters and cuociamole for 15 minutes with 100 ml of apple juice, 1 tablespoon of malt, a bit of lemon peel and ginger.
take away our pastry from the fridge, stendiamola well and put on a baking pan previously greased with oil and dusted with flour or breadcrumbs.
have over the mixture of dried beans or silver (there are household goods stores) that would prevent the pie to grow too. So bake the dough for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Meanwhile, drain the pears from taking part in the cooking liquid.
Cut the pears into slices and let it cool.
After 15 minutes of cooking, remove the tart from the oven. Eliminate beans from mixing.
Spread a tablespoon of barley malt in the bottom of the tart and then dispose ourselves over the slices of pear. If you want to decorate some of the other holes left with pasta or hazelnuts, almonds, or whatever you like.
go in the oven another 10 minutes more at 180 degrees.
When the cake is golden brown remove from oven and let cool. At this point Prepare the jelly using the cooking liquid for pears, previously filtered.
then add the liquid 1 teaspoon agar agar powder and bring to a boil. Spegnamo and pour the liquid on the cake. When cool, it will become jelly.

Council to prepare the cake a little early because, like all the pies ... rests more than is good!

apetììììì Bon! :)