Terrorism forcaiolo-media gone crazy these days TV and newspapers in response to some allegations of "sexual violence" that would occur recently it has obviously caused a 'wave of collective insanity the People Ox. It always happens così.Bastano a few reports of some alleged case of sexual violence in society to raise a genuine climate of war, state of siege. "national emergency" . With these words and these words they are talking about television, newspapers, politicians and citizens, had not even fallen in our country, a natural disaster of major proportions. All this for a couple of alleged sexual intercourse without consent ( actions, however, absolutely deplorable and must be condemned without ifs or buts! ) Yet murders happen every day, and several attacks far most serious of the rape, but do not call that hype and hysteria among politicians that the people and the media as well as allegations of witness instead to consensual sex (ie, sexual violence). That the so-called rape is something deeply wrong on this no rain and no normal person could argue otherwise, but even that's being given the degree of alarm far greater than any other violent action, is a sign of the level of absurdity and hypocrisy that has fallen this Western society and how it has lost all sense of proportion and balance. All the more absurd when you consider that this is a company that goes behind Tits & Butts every vulgar representation of sex to 'teach the most shameless exhibitionism and sexual provocation. A company that, among other things, in the name of his insane and vulgar conception of sex has declared war on the "losers", ie men sex less , love- less , ie without sex, without love for their choice, to be avoided "because not a woman." The problem arises, however, when one of them, unfortunately, feeling humiliated, insulted and provoked try to appropriate it with la forza di ciò di cui si sente ingiustamente privato.E così,il derelitto "sfigato", divenuto "stupratore", diventa il capro espiatorio della gente "bene", causa di tutti i mali del mondo, un appestato scacciato su cui il Popolo riversa tutti i suoi incubi, tutte le sue angosce, e, soprattutto, tutta la sua ipocrisia . Lo so che la verità fa male, ma le cose vanno dette così come sono, anche a costo di "non piacere alla gente". Se lo stupro suscita così grande orrore nei benpensanti, allora è bene che ci si attivi per cambiare cultura e mentalità, affinchè nessuno si senti spinto ad appropriarsi con la forza del fisiologico bisogno del sesso.
I express my firm condemnation of rape, as well as all forms of sexual immorality or violence. But more than express my disappointment and my anger at the stupidity of the people.
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