Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wont Turn Over Waverunner

Human Rights seconds Tits & Butts

These days the bodies of "information" has raised a lot of outrage over the death sentence Delara Darabi, 23 year old Iranian girl convicted and confessed to a murder . Those who know my blog knows what horror I feel towards the death penalty and how to appreciate every effort made to eliminate this pain, I can not prove, however, also welcomed the outrage when a death sentence is prompted by motives purely Instrumental and ideological. Why so it was in the case of Delara Darabi ; condemnation and indignation at his execution, in fact, was caused not so much for the ' curse of the death penalty in and if neither both the young age of the person executed, since, however, for the country which took place this execution ( Iran), and especially the sex of the person ended up under the gallows, just the female. Just the same days when he was executed Delara, still in Iran, a boy nearly her same age was stoned to death for having committed an action that in our country is not a crime, but rather is considered a 'meritorious work, especially if accomplish it are women: adultery . Yet there was quell'indignazione instead that accompanied the execution of Delara Darabi , almost never told about it (except for the Corriere della Sera that obviously has to prepare the ' public review for a possible war against Iran). And also in the world, to begin by the U.S., kids are constantly being executed for crimes committed by minors and just here in Europe, in recent times, in 1976, a French boy of just 20 years, Christian Ranucci, accused of murder was beheaded by guillotine in Marseille by the order of the President France, Giscard D 'Estaing it, and there were protests and indignation, but rather with the full approval of' review pubblica.Il because of this unequal treatment when they end up on the scaffold is a human male is obviously to be found in typical Western conception of the woman whose life is considered of greater value than that of men (" first children and women," they say). And indeed, on the implementation of Delara you can not help but notice how newspapers and TV the name of this girl is always preceded by 'attribute of art "painter" and, almost mai seguito dal reato per cui è stata condannata(*), quasi a voler maggiormente instillare nell' opinione pubblica la leggenda metropolitana femminista secondo cui nel mondo le donne vengono giudicate per il loro essere donne e non per azioni commesse(quando invece sappiamo che sia in Iran che in tutto il mondo, la stragrande maggioranza di coloro che finiscono in carcere o al patibolo sono maschi). 
Inoltre provate a immaginare se al posto di Delara Darabi, fosse  stato giustiziato magari dopo essere stato orrendamente seviziato ed evirato-come spesso succede in alcuni Paesi-un suo coetaneo maschio, anche egli pittore,per violenza sessuale, cioè an offense-pace of the people ox-objectively less severe compared to 'murder. Obviously this would not have spoken, or if it was just talk, newspapers, TV and the populace would have been painstaking care and precision in specifying the pathetic offense for which he was sentenced to "rape" - "abuse "-" harassment "- and of course her name and his picture would not have been preceded and accompanied by the title of" painter ", but Tutt 'nothing but kind gifts such as" monster rapist "," ogre "" predator "," maniac "and many other pathetic terms and neologisms which is peppered with the vocabulary of the people ox, endorsing such an execution as a model to be imported into our legal system (and in part has already been imported) Giacchè our parts for rapists are clamoring for the same methods and punishments are used in tribal or were still in arrears, including long and disproportionate sentences, death sentences after limbs or boiling in cauldrons and castrations, in full accordance with the horrendous "recipe Calderoli" to cut ... the penis "without even sterilize the knife."

As you can see, have nothing to do human rights with the execution of this clamor for this Iranian girl, in fact the people are angered by the complaints and violations of human rights only when necessary to defend groups like states and governments to discredit or unwelcome, but quietly against calls whenever we are concerned categories and hated enemy. It 's a habit, this, that has always characterized the stupid mass popolare.Giudicare an' action using different yardsticks, depending on the skin or the sex of this action accomplishes or undergoes, can only be seen as a despicable form of racism.

(*) NOTE: In the days following the execution in newspapers and on TV has begun to glimpse the possibility that to commit murder would be his companion and not she who would have been obliged to confess the murder. Of course, in support of this view there is no proof, but it is only a hypothesis which is very convenient as well suited to the regime's propaganda that Western women are inherently incapable of doing bad and always victims of the system "patriarchal" and "sexist."


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