Maschi Pentiti:gli odierni Kapos e sacerdoti di una nuova religione
Contrary to popular belief, the notorious Nazi concentration camp Kapos, were not employees of the Nazis and "Aryan", but they themselves prisoners, and most Jews. Primo Levi, a survivor of Auschwitz, in that masterpiece of his book "If This Is a Man , often with bitterness lingers on the figure of the Kapos brute, a sort of head-prisoners who attended on behalf of the field direction , give orders and the provisions to other prisoners their subordinates. Ruthless and ferocious in 'beat and humiliate their prisoners consaguigni subjected the Jewish Kapos, who had acquired this degree of prominence ingratiate la considerazione e la "simpatia" dei guardiani(le SS) e dei responsabili del campo, potevano conservare quel così agiato ruolo solamente attraverso una costante oppressione dei loro compagni di ruolo inferiore; insomma il grado di brutalità e ferocia era un indispensabile requisito da esibire al cospetto delle SS, per ottenere e mantenere quel grado di prominenza che fatiche e stenti risparmiava, con conseguente incremento della possibilità di sopravvivenza. Casi simili di oppressione di schiavi su altri schiavi, si sono riscontrati- in un periodo antecedente a quello nazista- nelle Americhe, nel periodo più acuto della tratta dei negri, allorchè tra gli schiavi neri dei bianchi proprietari di terre e piantagioni, venivano reclutati dei capi slaves-even as their future-the Kapos were responsible for monitoring their fellow prisoners consaguigni and whip, in case of any misconduct or insubordination, shouting "dirty black". The basic principle on which it held the social structure of the hierarchy and American slave plantations to Nazi concentration camps was the same on which, today, standing on the assumptions of "maschiopentitismo. The Males Repent, are, unfortunately, in the West, a considerable slice-and perhaps the majority-male gender, and their negative influence on the dignity male-accompanied simultaneously by divininizzazione against the female gender-is so devastating, they can be considered as the pawns core through which the dictatorship of feminist and female-dominant in the West-exerts its hegemony and control, both in political, economic and productive, both in the minds of people. The males are the very reason for repenting of 'existence, survival and consolidation of Vaginocentrico system-that is, the vast structure of legal privileges, social, moral and economic enjoyed by Western women to the detriment of men-as with their presence in the systems of power political, economic and legal systems, allow women to take advantage of these privileges, and also their genuflection towards the feminine gender, the gender unit all'autodenigrazione which are part of the male-states-in fact the victory of the feminist argument, as in the accreditatesi dull fellow (if I say males yourself ... "). As for the parallel first noted to be said that while blacks and slaves of the leaders of the Kapos, a reaction that was, after all, responded to a logic of survival in a context of death and human destruction, that of male-pentane, is, instead, simply, a way-in sado-masochistic psychic sense of its meaning, to relate with people belonging to the "fair sex", in short, a sort of psychological self-induced slavery aiming to achieve account and credit from the women and to the General System prevailing. And so while the regime reigns vulvocratico arrogant and unchallenged-creeping even into the minds of men, manipulating them-Repent Males have a duty to scold and beat morally ostracized by the community, all those men (and women too) who want to defend- dignity of men, women want a reaction to injustices suffered, want a simple love of truth-are rebellious, or simply unwilling to accept this vulgar sexist culture femmile domain. In addition to the psycho-slave, the maschiopentitismo, however, also has a para component, in fact as well as in all religions, and especially the three great monotheistic religions-repentance is a prerequisite to its devotion to God, in maschiopentitismo the deification of the female gender is necessarily associated with a better profession-publication of their inferiority to women, in the form of a Mea Culpa, a repentance (for this' last appearance, the top Ask Men theorists have coined the term to label these boys a thing), but not for behaviors or actions committed, but only for being born male, believed, therefore, an "original sin" is needed, then , a 'public self-flagellation through the self-denigration of themselves and of the genus to which they belong (the male, in fact), which acts as a sort of cleansing the "sin original "to be born male, getting, well, forgiveness and the forgiveness of" sin ", that would increase access to 'female genitalia. In short, a sort of baptism, which, however, unlike which gives to the Christian 'individual privileges baptized soul without affecting its human nature (indeed elevates)-is all aimed at emptying and all'autoannichilimento nature and dignity of their men by humiliating and creeping genuflections aimed at making glory and homage to the Vagina, risen as a divine entity (and only one admitted), repent of which the males are, in effect, high priests.
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