Cacche dal volto umano
Per quanto possa sembrare disgustoso scrutare, con il microscopio, gli escrementi-come fa il biologo analista- ciò è assolutamente necessario per diagnosticare particolari malattie, altrimenti non rilevabili . A questo punto, qualcuno si chiederà cosa c'entra questa cosa con le tematiche del mio blog? C'entra eccome. Perchè coloro che vengono definiti come "Maschi Pentiti", dal variegato movimento per la Questione Maschile, altro non sono che cacche intrise di germi che infestano e contagiano la dignità maschile. Per questo motivo, sarebbe più idoneo chiamarli Sterco-M aschiettini , o anche Maschi-Fecali , quindi vanno treated and tested the same way as all the excrement, human and animals. However, unlike all the other shit, that at least concimanti effects, this fighter here are not used for agricultural purposes, because, in fact, are full of disease germs. A thorough analysis of these strange droppings "human face", will be done in the next few posts, it would be good for now, simply, to "smell" one of these:
Alessandro Gassman : " In my old age I would simply become object a man and take care of entertainment amazing creatures. On the men share the thought of my father. If the world were ruled by women today, we would be in a better situation. The excess of males in all I think . Except one thing: we are better at telling stories, we know how to do with the playful side in general. "
Thus, the" beautiful "and muscular Gassman felt in some way compelled to repay the against the female gender for the doses received Pussy galore, and it did in way more suited to the category of maschiettini shit: empty of masculinity and then get, happy, their will, the leash around his neck , which their sadistic boss will take them to "walk".
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