The "Reciprocity" secondo Tette&Culi
Una coppia italiana decide di andare in viaggio di nozze negli Usa, precisamente in Florida. Giunti negli States , tuttavia, la "luna di miele" subisce un brusco e doloroso imprevisto: la coppia è vittima di una sanguinosa rapina, i due finiscono in ospedale, in particolare il marito in prognosi riservata; dopo due settimane l'uomo guarisce e nell'atto della dimissione dall' ospedale riceve una parcella di pagamento delle prestazioni sanitarie ricevute: 300mila dollari, cioè quasi 600milioni delle vecchie lire. Il marito e la moglie, ovviamente, rimangono esterrefatti e di stucco di fronte a questa assurda richiesta di pagamento, e ,impossibilitati-ovviamente- in paying such a sum, are retained by the vigilantes and the police were not even dangerous terrorists-in-waiting to pay the amount. This is a true story that happened a decade ago, I have not been able to follow this story, but surely the bill was paid by Italian ASL. The American health does not, in fact, the right to health for foreigners (but not for its citizens without medical insurance, about 40%), but U.S. tourists in the countries of Europe, in the event of illness, accident or illness , are lovingly cared for and free . In short, a clear violation of that principle of "reciprocity " so inappropriately invoked against Muslims, by lovers of " superiority of 'Western' , newspapers and TV lounges blennies of boys and sluts valleys and showgirls, whenever it comes to proposals for construction of mosques (and invariably blocked the protests of dull fellow ) citing nonsense restrictions-real or supposed-Christians in some Muslim-majority countries. It is not clear why should invoke the " reciprocity" religious rights when, instead, it quietly sent to hell on a reciprocity law even more important than religious freedom: the right to health . The fact is that in Tits & Ass does not give anything of reciprocity and Christianity that are, in fact, brought in, instrumentally and hypocritically by tettoculisti warmongering racist anti-Arab and feminists in many different ways to declare war to restrict the oriental civilization and, therefore, the religious rights of Muslims in our country.
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