Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How Do I Connect My Satellite Radio-ready

Got it? Although road accidents are "sexist"

Here is another example of "equal" feminist. I copy the newspaper article. The comments in red, in brackets, sono mie:

"Le prime a sperimentarlo saranno mille donne milanesi. Nella loro auto sarà inserito un piccolo trasmettitore GPS, in grado di affrontare i rischi che in generale le donne corrono sulle strade: incidenti, guasti meccanici, peggio ancora, aggressioni e atti di violenza. Il progetto pilota, presentato ieri a Milano dal ministro Mara Carfagna e dal sindaco meneghino Letizia Moratti, è sostenuto dalla fondazione Ania: per tre anni si assumerà tutti i costi[ prima di delegarli, poi allo Stato, con i soldi dei contribuenti, soprattutto maschi ]. Presto sarà esteso anche a Roma e a Napoli.. Come funziona. In pratica nelle auto delle Women be installed "pink box" connected to a 24-hour roadside assistance and 24 of the central forces of 'order. In case of 'accident, the device is able to trigger the call for help [ and if it is a man who might die as well ]. But aside from this function, the pink box is also active on a call, via a remote control and button, to allow women who find themselves in a situation of difficulty or danger, to launch an SOS. Reality frequent, as demonstrated by a study mdell 'Ania on road accidents in 2007 were 1,005 female victims of fatal accidents [ of men, however, there were 4100 ]"

Avete capito bene?Se una donna si troverà con l'auto in panne, oppure ferita in un incidente stradale, grazie al GPS, usufruirà di soccorsi speciali e immediati,che invece i "colpevoli" di appartenere al genere maschile non potranno avere e che dovranno, quindi, arrangiarsi, con la speranza che nelle vicinanze ci sia qualche telefono d'emergenza, o che qualche automobilista pietoso chiami un' autoambulanza. Perchè questa disparità di trattamenti? Semplice, perchè c'è il " maschilismo che opprime le donne ". Infatti, anche le donne, quando si trovano in auto, possono trovarsi con il motore guasto, or worse, become victims of road accidents. Poor things. So even engines, spark plugs, or the tires of 'cars are macho because they "dare" spoil also at the wheel when there are donne.Si know, these things have to happen only to males, then, as we allow to hit the women?! They are all maschlisti, and not only males but also the nature, also the case, the probability .. also the internal combustion engine, even viruses, including gasoline, including pollution blah, and all we bla.Tutto have with women. They are "creatutre angels", which " not be touched even with a flower ", because they are always good, unable to conceive of evil, do not trample on the feelings that never, never you betray that never leave their husbands, who do not divorce mai.Ma why, then, all this fury against them? And if that was not enough, because road accidents are macho dare "to happen" even when behind the wheel there are the members of the "fairer sex. The article says, with regret, that in 2007 there were 1005 women who road traffic accidents. The men, however, have been killed in more than 4 times, but you-know-this company is so "sexist" that human life is worth much less than women. And 'this' equality' of sexes.


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