Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fur Loss On Cats Stomach

The Rule of Law on March 8 and the Church

Sta bene. Oggi, il papa, nell'Angelus, ha citato e onorato la cosiddetta "festa della donna".Che la "festa dell' 8 marzo" sia una commemorazione sessista e misandrica fondata sulla propaganda femministoide di regime e mutuata da un falso evento storico(l'incendio di una filanda in cui sarebbero morte decine di lavoratrici), ogni persona dotata di un benchè minimo briciolo di buon senso e di autonomia critica dovrebbe subito convenire. Ma che la suddetta propaganda a basic female victim of sour and their lackeys handpieces femministoidi regime, is spreading in certain sectors of the Church, is something we have to fear and avoid. Why pull bad air in the Church. Today, in the parishes, it was given wide coverage to this occasion as a feminist, and in particular, in the liturgy of the " Hear us, O Lord " This was the 'divine invocation to "all women victims of violence." There would be nothing wrong if those prayers were raised to heaven for men as victims of violence, physical and psychological. That domestic violence, contrary to what they say the Nazis, their pieces and their false-polls is something that involves an equal and symmetrical in both women and men, distributions, therefore, equally between the sexes (when using offensive weapons such as knives, plates, crockery, there is no physical superiority taking ), it is scientifically proven to be something every serious study and free from ideological prejudices (made primarily in the U.S.), and every person who has the heart the truth and above all an abomination to the unfortunate war of the sexes implemented by misandry of each species and sewage certainly should know. But, obviously, some Vatican prelates, instead inform and draw on by independent sources (some of which also cattolici), si lasciano convincere dalla propaganda a base di chiacchiere da comare di Domenica In o da una Barbara d' Urso qualsiasi. Se, oggi, il Papa avesse voluto fare un buon servigio alla dignità delle donne, avrebbe dovuto, innanzitutto, ricordare anche i loro doveri,a cominciare dal rispetto che dovrebbero avere per i loro mariti e a non trattarli come bancomat di Jolly da usare e spremere dopo il divorzio, e ad avere rispetto per il proprio corpo e,quindi,smetterla di usarlo come se fosse una molotov nel provocare e agitare gli ormoni maschili per perseguire infami scopi di sadismo,di ricatto sessuale, di carriera e di successo.Parlando di violenza, oggi era la volta buona della Chiesa per ricordare la violenza psychological suffered more and more men, beginning with separated fathers, victims of bullying femmiste in the March 8 is the emblem of ideological, but the Pope, nell'Angelus today, following the example of the President that in these days of the Republic has the pontificate of "slander" and "rapes," he preferred to appease the mood femministoidi mass in commemoration of this anniversary with rhetorical phrases such as "respect for women . And respect for human males, there are forgotten, His Holiness? No, dear Pope, respect, honor, and all forms of human considerations are reserved only to those who have, regardless of sex, skin color or religion, regardless of whether "Western" or Palestinian or other and there are people who do not deserve respect at all, women or men who siano.Appunto, among these people there are also many women , many, unfortunately. Now, the suspicion of additional positions Vatican steeped in victimhood femministoide is more than legitimate, and Giacchè , lately, the media and the people are fabled ox and a screaming "Emergency Rapes" which would have fallen upon our civilization, the question arises when a beautiful and popular demand for you to parliamentary the Vatican updates its code canon Church regarding the sacraments to add to the list of "banned" to receive the funeral and the funerals, even the "rape ( SIGH!) ers"-penitent or unrepentant, castrated or neutered, they are-and maybe a nice Dogma on "Can not the forgiveness of sins" against them, even if repentant and penitent (and neutered). " Nothing remissionem peccatorum Stupratorum . March 8 will be the next?


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