Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grecian Stomach Cramps

Stuprazionista VS

Mi è stato riferito che tutti i sondaggi di opinione attestano che la stragrande maggioranza della gente è favorevole alla pena dell' ergastolo per gli stupratori. Non è una novità,questa, e quindi, non c'è nulla da sorprendersi , ragion per cui è inutile disquisire sull' ennesima becera e stupida presa di posizione del popolo bue. Piuttosto, invece, sarebbe utile esaminare questa plebiscitaria e forcaiola richiesta popolare in the light of logic and legal right. Let us start now by saying that 'infringement of the law is never justified in any way, and that therefore the state has the legitimate right and duty to prosecute and punish offenders (rapists, included). Nothing to complain. However, the legitimate prosecution of crimes must necessarily act in a broad-its legal structure of any society that calls itself civil, to ensure the most elementary rules of law and human legal action against the person accused of a particular crime . Legislation which I summarize in at least three pillars: 1) Presumption of innocence until Judgement definitiva.2) The detention order, before and after any criminal sentence, and must only be issued only upon discovery of the body of the crime, the testimony and evidence and oggettive.3) The penalty for any crime should be proportional to the 'extent and objective harm of the crime and compared to the same penalties for other offenses. You can say that if these rules are respected in our country, albeit partially and continue between police and judicial abuses and errors, we can not say the same for stupro.Difatti offenses, arrests for rape is simply on the complaint of the woman , that is based on a simple declaration to the police and that she is not required to show visible evidence of violence and witnesses, the person accused by the woman, is immediately thrown into jail without first have made inquiries, and exposed to a real and popular media lynching. In addition, the penalties for rape are severe and disproportionate, and are from time to time increased even more, depending on the news that the allegations TV and newspapers have spasmodically, often amplified and exaggerated ; today (March 2009) the penalty for rape can be up to twenty years imprisonment and alleged perpetrators of this crime are denied all the legal benefits that the perpetrators of murder and massacre to be granted (pardons, amnesties, licenses, discounts for good behavior, etc.) and now that the center-right government of Berlusconi launched the so-called "anti-decree rapes" (which makes mandatory detention and even abolish the Law Gozzini for the accused and sentenced for that crime) is absolutely wrong assume that within a short time the punishment for rape will be raised up to life (even with a 41 and castration). But it is right or not so drastic punishment? Any opinions on the matter is the result of a subjective evaluation, so let's take a more objective approach to this end will list a series of crimes against the person next to the sentence-which would necessarily correspond to a pure principle of consistency-in If the penalty is raised to life imprisonment for the rape, perhaps they will begin to outline a solid foundation of objective measures to remove the dogma stuprazionista :

-Life sentence for assault and injury of more than three months of prognosis.
-Life imprisonment (with daytime isolation) for attacks which cause permanent injury.
-Life sentence for racially motivated attacks
-Life imprisonment (more daytime isolation) for torture committed by public officials against persons arrested or detained.
-Life sentence for assault against persons belonging to vulnerable groups (disabled, handicapped, marginalized, immigrants, etc.).
-Life sentence for kidnapping for ransom.
-Life sentence for ' culpable homicide (plus insulation if it is daytime preretenzionale )
-Death penalty for murder (with or without premeditation).

All these actions are objectively more serious than rape, because compared to this' last, cause physical damage objectively more serious. Do not stand up stuprazionisti of the thesis according to which the extreme penalty to be meted out to rapists would be justified by the fact that the raped woman would suffer moral and psychological, as the psychological pain e morale che subisce una persona di fronte ad una circostanza negativa, non è oggettivamente quantificabile(in linea di massima si può anche fingere) e varia da persona a persona a seconda del proprio carattere e della propria resistenza psichica (a questo punto, allora, dovrebbero essere punite per violenza morale anche tutte quelle donne che piantano i loro mariti e li defraudano di figli e soldi, spingendoli, quindi nel baratro della depressione, alcol o suicidio), e comunque dova sta scritto che un uomo, magari piccolo ed esile, massacrato di botte e ridotto con osse spezzate da un energumeno, oppure un immigrato picchiato al grido di "sporco negro", subisca una violenza psicologica minore rispetto ad una donna stuprata?L'impressione è that this lynching people against rapists (real and perceived) is dictated by an aberrant, typically Western conception of woman-nature, seen not simply as a human being, but as an angelic or even divine (Dante Alighieri docet) to worship , so that the violation of his agreement is considered not merely as a regrettable and condemnable action (like any other violent action), but even the same way as a swear-antidivina the worst of blasphemies, such as to deserve the second worst anathema extreme and disproportionate punishment and well outside the rule of law. We condemn the rape, as well as any other breach of the law. Condemn these things is the duty of every person civile, ci mancherebbe altro. Però, per piacere, non lasciamoci sopraffare dall' emotività isterica e dalla stupidità ideologica. Salvaguardiamo lo stato di diritto, prima di tutto.


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