Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Does Milena Velba Smoke

Vere real emergencies and "jackals" Dogma

If the People though Bue had a minimal degree of rationality, probably before the earthquake disaster that hit the 'Abruzzo, understand what is truly an' Emergency, and learn to distinguish it from false "emergencies" to create art from terrorist manipulation of the media. In a couple of months, took only three or four alleged check-from-and all cases of sexual abuse to the Mass Hysterical screaming to the 'national emergency rapes, compared far more serious and numerous incidents of violence-in-comparison of rape that occur every day, such as murder, injury, racially motivated attacks, torture of State, et cetera.
In Italy there is no emergency rapes, first because this is a company that welcomes and delights of the most brazen and vulgar sexual exhibitionism, so that at least sounds contradictory to say the least-fair- this humor and hysterical emergency situation against the so-called sexual violence and the subsequent lynching against its authors. Second, because three or four cases of alleged sexual violence, compared to a population di milioni di donne-non possono, certamente, configurarsi come un qualcosa di emergenziale .
In Italia non servono "decreti anti-stupri"(le pene già ci sono, e sono severissime e sproporzionate), ma decreti per l' edilizia. Non servono soldi per finanziare bugiardi e menzogneri "centri anti-violenza" oppure per mandare i soldati nelle città, ma per costruire case antisismiche.
Siccome, in tempi di presunta o vera emergenza, occorre creare il Nemico di turno per calmare gli umori forcaioli della Massa Isterica, ecco annoverati anche i cosiddetti "sciacalli" nella lista nera delle categorie da linciare(non da punire, ma da linciare):rom, ultras, lavavetri,musulmani, stupratori, losers, and so on and so forth. E 'enough the arrest of two men who had stolen 80 thousand euro from dysfunctional homes (later released, because it was found that the money had them) to induce that billionaire Berlusconi to want to introduce into the penal code new crime of "profiteering" (when, in fact, already exists, because it is a form of robbery with aggravating) with umpteenth disproportionate punishment. In reality, more than thieves who steal go to disaster-the homes people out of work if they had at least one billionth part of the money that the populist Arcore, certainly would not be induced to do these things-I would call unethical jackals looting and other people and things. To begin with, just from the one who cries out against the "jackals" and then photographed the rubble in the middle of the survivors but to increase their electoral baggage. Jackal is also and above all the people, this hypocrite, forcaiolo and respectable people, who, faced with these disasters, but to put on display and celebrate itself , performs in obscene and hypocritical "calls for solidarity" emptying, so this word of its most noble form of genuine piety produced by the human heart and that-as such-must be undertaken within the private sphere, away from the public and media spotlight and certainly not in the form of dramatized e ostentate iniziative strappalacrime come stiamo vedendo in questi giorni.
Nemmeno con queste grave sciagure e lutti, il Popolo e i suoi viscidi capi trovano modo di stare zitti e di rinunciare alla loro somma Stupidità.


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