Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poptropica How Do You Get A Gun In Your Hand

Vellum, ergo Feminist

The outcry provoked, in recent times, the direct and warm friendship and esteem that the premier Silvio Berlusconi had against various tissues and showgirl, has violently awakened the long-standing and monotonous as feminist polemic about the alleged " commodification of the female body by of machismo." The tests which are lifted out of newspapers, magazines and TV not have done no more than follow the typical litany feminists, who promptly are recited each time it comes to women and their bodies. In the storm of controversy that followed, ended up in the 'eye of the storm was the world of showgirls and starlets Besides the previous prime minister. A latter 'the political world (starting with the PD of that gentleman doormat Franceschini ) and print, have opposed the figure of' now ex-wife Berlusconi , Veronica Lario, clothed with that patina of morality and spirituality in order to consolidate itself already established and entrenched stereotypes and perpetuates the romantic novel and intrinsic innocence and " immaculate " the figure of the woman-wife-mother faces-again according to that stereotype-all 'incompetence and immorality of' man-husband-father. All in perfect harmony with the Male-Bashing raging everywhere, by virtue of institutional orders. Nothing new then. Too bad that no one has instead identified the profound unfairness of Ms. Lario, che di fronte a problemi coniugali e intimi con il marito, anzichè esporli privatamente ad un avvocato matrimonialista, ne ha fatto, invece, un caso di dominio pubblico andando a strombazzarli e a sbandierarli su quotidiani e tv , trasformando quindi i problemi familiari in un osceno teatrino a base di pettegolezzi, gossip e colpi bassi. Quindi se Berlusconi behaved in an irresponsible manner, and on this there is no doubt his now ex-wife has behaved infinitely worse, even considering the fact that this' latest is not new to these things, For example, when a few years ago and sent it did publish a letter from the Republic in which he criticized the behavior of her husband on matters not some private policies. In short, the necklace has it and the desire of the mass media and political propaganda to manipulate these events to throw discredit on the male figure, too. But tant 'is. Returning
the question of 'exposure of the female body, of this problem in this blog we have already extensively discussed and debated. But it would be useful, once and for all make a detailed and accurate schematic -like a hand-and that well sums up all the considerations made by me long ago around the question of 'exposure of the female body and its presumed connection with an equally alleged sexism:

1) Women, as human beings, are capable of discernment, and are therefore in no position to decide independently whether to accept or oppose a given situation. They have a brain responsible for this function.

2) So if some women do go to the tissues or the like, such as making resume and photograph nude or seminude, this is because , of \u200b\u200bcourse, they agreed individually to do so, simply because they like to do so. No "male" or "father-master" obliges them to, even from many quarters, within the male-dominated, the constant and growing exposure of the female body is called "c ulture della troiaggine ".

3)Quindi, il tanto urlato e quanto inesistente "maschilismo" non c'entra nulla con il fenomeno della "mercificazione del corpo femminile". Nessun "padre-padrone" e "patriarcale", del resto, oserebbe mai pretendere che la figlia vada a fare la velina o comunque a " smutandarsi " fuori di casa. Facciamo un esempio: se-come spesso accade- certe studentesse universitarie si fanno fotografare nude, e poi lasciano disclose such photographs to the press, this is not because some teacher "macho" asked or forced them to do so, but on the contrary is because their own initiative, not caring and making a mockery of morality and decency, and the disappointment and anger of their parents and boyfriends, laughing shamelessly to show their body, perhaps hoping to gain fame, success and denaro.La patriarchal culture and macho , however, has always promoted and advocated a 'distinctly modest and chaste image of the female figure. Instead of feminism and of women and that has always claimed the right to flaunt sexuality femminile.Quindi the assertion that the commodification of the female body is supposed to be attributed to society "patriarchal and sexist" is a lie, among many.

4) Downstream of the three points, we observe an 'intolerable contradiction in invective femministoidi . In fact, if, for example, fosters and encourages' s performance of the female body (as does Berlusconi and most of the Western male) you are labeled as "machismo" because to say feminists would spread the image of "woman-object." If on the contrary, however, we oppose this ostentation of the female body, the same is considered "masculine" because means of stesse femministe, si opprimerebbe la libertà sessuale delle donne. Ma si può sapere, quindi, quando si ha che fare con il maschilismo?Purtroppo questa contraddizione può essere spiegata solo si tiene presente che quando la menzogna fatta dogma attraverso la manipolazione mentale, fa dire tutto e il contrario di tutto a seconda della circostanza del momento in questione e senza che nessuno tra le persone manipolate ravvisi tale mostruosa contraddizione. Questa è la sola ed unica spiegazione.

5) Quindi è proprio è soprattutto al femminismo che va addebitato il velinismo and all forms of vulgar and vulgar representation of the female body. Feminism, as destructive and immoral culture, has always been criminalized and attacked the female sexual values \u200b\u200bof sobriety, of composure in the way of dressing, of marital fidelity and so on. And the much-publicized and claimed "women's sexual freedom " so dear to feminism, this is precisely consisted : oppose any moral barrier on sex, shame, and the family, that is to do "what they want and like women, even at the expense of others. In short, a concept of freedom, meaning " Berlusconi " della sua accezione. La logica della Jungla , quindi.

6) Appurato, quindi, nella maniera più oggettiva, di come sia proprio il femminismo la causa di tutto ciò,è facile comprendere anche il perchè di tutta questa ampia critica,da parte dei movimenti femminili, nei confronti "mercificazione del corpo femminile". Questo perchè ciò is only a pretext to conceal rather the understandable resentment and envy of many women to the tissue and the like on which millions of men's eyes are a tasty bet. And certainly not a negative view of such behavior and dress, because as we said before, it is the feminist (and with them, part of all other women) to go as the scantily clad showgirls, and complaints and claiming that their "right" against " male oppression." Except then give him a 'once more to the "machismo" if, instead, to the contrary , this exhibition of the female body is encouraged by some male.

7) The claim that the opposition against the velino be ascribed to the fact that this television and magazines would make a 'one-sided and distorted image of women, not is not to be taken account because fraudulent and deceitful. In this miserable excuse can be answered in this way, but the feminists and all women who are dressed in a succinct, alternative image of women as compared to the damage that the tissue damage? The foreground image of that woman's ass "i ndipendente , impegnata,coraggiosa,sorprendente,rivoluzionaria, intelligente, generosa,essenziale e indomabile " che compare in primo piano sul quotidiano femminista dell Unità, quale immagine alternativa dà rispetto a quella offerta da una carfagna qualunque o comunque da tutte quellle donne(offesa di tante donne per bene) che ottengono successo e carriera attraverso la seduzione e il ricatto sessuale? Quello delle veline non è, forse, how to dress and behave much claimed and defended by feminism, applied to the world of Mass Media?
Anyway, you do not understand the difference between publicly exhibit her body to strangers in the life of Tuti day, and that rather than produce it through television and magazines: We suggest that men's eyes are upon them, in 'one of those cases. Therefore, the substance does not change.

8) Then the tissues and, in general, all those who display their bodies in TV and magazines, are by no means an 'insult to women-as by many repeats continuation-in because, in contrast, are, however, account for a substantial part 's female population, as well as Berlusconi with its taste exposure of the female body is representative Unfortunately, a large proportion of the male world, unfortunately.

9) The fact-that-unfortunately true for most men like the exposure of the female body, can not and should not serve as a justification or excuse for many women to dress and behave in such immoral and obscene. Indeed, since that both envy antimaschile oozes from feminist slogans, it should be an incentive not to expose so strongly with their bodily eyes of those males that both criticize and attack. Instead, no. Continues with impunity and claim angrily to dress this way, and then we can see that the problem is something else, that obviously can not do without, because is their way of expressing their false emancipation, to get compliments and successes of people back into society to keep subjugated hormones male sex. This is called sadism, opportunism, cynicism as well as immorality, immorality and debauchery.

10) In conclusion, therefore, the question of " velino" and the "commodification of the female body is a problem entirely within the world of women who, then, and only only women should consider -if-appropriate address and resolve, and therefore it is absolutely dishonest to bring up to alleged "sexism" of today's society. Women (and men) need to understand that freedom does not mean doing what you want, but at contrary, be free to act with respect to the subject against the most elementary rules of civilized coexistence because what distinguishes and differentiates humans from animals is the Reason, and Reason requires, among other things even to stick to the sense of decency and modesty as befits every human being, and therefore go unclothed or with the parties and intimate erogenous discovered in plain view or through tight clothes, and Best and those women (and men ) going clothes (and clothes) in this way, simply behave like beasts. If, then in spite of the constitutional laws and penalties on the "morality" many women feel entitled to show their body unworthily, to do well, but please learn to undertake the responsibility and accept the consequences, without cry against a 'non-existent "machismo" and to stop once and for continuously to shift all the blame on men, to cover and hide their failures and mistakes. Women are human beings, and then, with the same dignity, rights and duties of men, and not puppets or divine creatures immune to mistakes and free of duties. It would be good feminists and the like are remembered forever.


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