Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Poptropica Letters To Creators

new Blog. New air

I turn to you readers of this blog, but very few aficionados. It 'time to blow a little wind of renewal in this blog. Something will change, and this needs to happen, if only to insert new elements such as to allow this blog to interact and establish itself more effectively and decisively with the reality to be analyzed. What are the things that will change ? First change the ' URL of the blog, that is, the blog will be transferred to another address: " SonoAttila " no longer good, " Attila" is the nickname that I climax they hitch, since the children ', my friends and acquaintances because of my hardness and irreducibility, which is why I decided to call in this way, my blog, a blog that was supposed to reflect-both in name and in content-my personality, and therefore should have been only and only serve to externalize my thoughts and personal considerations. If not that, after a few months, when the visits to my blog began to grow slightly, These ideas began to hit more than anyone, given the unusual aggression and biting irony with which I expressed, and the spirit extremely controversial and unconventional for the analysis (and analyzed) certain issues. So it was that in the presence of an initial small core of readers, I began to realize that if I wanted to take on a number of people up as much as possible, I would have to make changes to how the blog should have been put with the ' external disappeared, then, those personal considerations which might be inessential elements in the debate and completely counterproductive to the cause that I should plead. Concatenatamente this, therefore, also changed the style of language and the tone in which they were woven the originating blog post. No more words contained markedly strong and aggressive, which not only weaken the arguments would have risked away a number of more sensitive and susceptible, but the words and tone more sober and effective at the same time. And so, therefore, set this decline, including continued reports of censorship and threats by groups of female -Nazi and public praise by leading activists, the blog has come as it is now, with its intact original setting hard and ironic, but at the same time accompanied by a high degree of impartiality and scrupolosità di analisi, il che contribuisce a renderlo di un certo spessore-data anche la continua pubblicazione di suoi post su vari siti, blog e forum sparsi sulla rete-seppure visitato molto esiguamente , causa l'estrema selettività e severità dell' algoritmo di Rank del motore di ricerca di Google.

Di cambiamenti, parlavamo.Vediamo. Anche la piattaforma dei contenuti del blog cambierà, ma non eccessivamente . Cioè se fino ad ora in questo blog, certe tematiche sulla Questione Maschile avevano monopolizzato-anche se non esclusivizzato -gli argomenti di discussione, nel nuovo blog invece assumeranno una connotazione leggermente meno caratteristica, in modo tale da liberare un di spazio anche ad altre tematiche per rendere così il blog meno monotematico e più eterogeneo. Ma l'eterogeneità dei contenuti non sarà finalizzata tanto ad un cambiamento di esteriorità quanto invece ad una maggiore efficacia nell'esaminare a fondo gli aspetti in questione. Ciò perchè nel trattare un determinato aspetto, necessariamente vanno valutate e analizzate altri aspetti eventualmente connessi ad esso-anche se apparentemente sconnessi- e che quindi possono agire alla base dell' ingenerazione dell'aspetto in questione. Contrariamente si rischierebbe to give it a key superficial, distorted and completely taken out of context, finishing, therefore, to complement and amalgamate with the contexts and issues in clear and complete contrast to it, and lead, then , a grotesque oxymorons conceptual and denominational For example, we have unfortunately-as-Leaguers who say they are also anti-feminist, which-by analogy-is like a Nazi who declares himself an activist of Human Rights. An 'absurd contradiction in terms, then.
addition, then, given the many eccentric my visions, the result of my spirit distinctly Anarchist and Anti-System is likely, and it is normal-that, in addressing a wider range of subjects and themes, some of you readers may not share some of my hard analysis and views, so in that case, I do not want, but rather, try to at least appreciate the sincerity and genuineness , while in those many things that certainly will share, you'll try a small form of collaboration , as I will explain in a few the next line.

address the issue of blog content, let us instead organizational aspect. Dear friends, you need to know that with this blog, I am in effect a voluntary , because I am free, re-education through intellectual and moral, to snatch as many people as possible the driver via the mass idiot teledrogata del Popolo. Work hard, if not impossible, given the immense stupidity of most people. So, to achieve at least a shred of what I propose, it takes time and resources. But I have neither resources nor time: I do not have resources, because, as mentioned earlier, by voluntary act, that is what I do because it's completely free pushed by my Love for Humanity and for the Truth, and then I get no funding (except for those few euro I should be getting every "blue moon" by advertising on Google Adsense ) nor voluntary, nor state, in contrast, however, to all those "associations onlus " truth-in, real-lobby that prate of "rapes" and "pedophilia", "violence against women" and so on . But besides not having the resources, I have not time. Are taken from the commitments and the common problems of everyday life, and what little time I have left, I try to treat and upgrade my blog. Therefore, dear friends, I tell you, some of you are willing to give me some help from time to time, for example by sending necessary materials and writing the actual post to be published, certainly the blog will grow and strengthen, and indeed , a blog written by several people, provided subject to my "editorial line" would be ideal to build a portal counter, as well as I hoped for some time. For this reason, expect from you at least a basic form of collaboration , always, however, depending on your means. Otherwise, though, if you simply want to limit yourself to read it, go ahead, but settle for an average of 3 post per month. Moreover, by itself, can not do. Sorry.

From now on, my official name is Icarus .10, which is the nick with which they are registered on various forums, including that of Uomini3000 . And with this name will always signed my articles and contributions, both on this blog and elsewhere.

The link of the blog changed you will be shown when completed will be responsible for the technical procedures, as well as organizational aspects more important.
Regards militants

Icarus .10


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