Friday, July 3, 2009

Cipralex And Perimenopause

They raped Swine Fever

Un tempo, quando nella società vi era ancora un briciolo di razionalità e buon senso, di fronte a qualche evento strampalato, giustamente si esclamava: " Roba dell'altro mond o". Oggi invece si dovrebbe dire: " Roba di questo mondo ":

VENEZIA (25 giugno) - È durata 12 ore la "caccia" tra Venezia e Roma ad una turista americana sospetta di essere stata contagiata dalla nuova influenza. Mentre era nella città lagunare la donna sarebbe andata in ospedale perché non stava bene. Dopo le prime analisi fatte dai sanitari per la nuova influenza la donna si è però allontanata senza attendere l'esito del secondo controllo ........Oltre al treno controllato a Prato, un altro convoglio, anche questo diretto Roma, è stato fermato alla stazio Aggiungi immagine ne di Orte e a bordo sono saliti agenti e personale sanitario. I controlli, anche in questo caso, hanno dato esito negativo. Trovata in un albergo di Roma. Hanno alloggiato in un hotel romano madre e figlia americane go away from the hospital in Venice without waiting for the final say on the influence of the test and that yesterday had begun hunting suspected transient ..... then the test that revealed the presence of the H1N1 influenza virus ..... The new influence, in fact, not one of the diseases that may require medical treatment required .....
(Source: The Gazzettino. it )

more clearly than that, it muore.Una person, rich and not strictly non-EU , but Yankee, with a suspected Influenza A, namely contagious disease of which the WHO has officially declared a diffusion-type pandemic, is left safely leave the hospital and going to spread viruses left and right throughout Italy, traveling on trains, walking and coughing in crowded streets and who knows what else yet, without that someone has bothered to put it in isolation prior therapy. Yet there was no outrage by the media, politics and popular. No politician and no one of those two-bit babbler moralists raging on TV and newspapers, called for special laws and decrees " crackdowns " against these laws such as criminal negligence and bureaucratic against public health. And besides, as would one expect such a thing? Mica this person was suspected of rape? No, it was not even because, as we saw, was a woman, and as we know women do not have a penis, so they can not "raping". Never let it be this person had been a "rapist", but strictly from healthy virus H1N1. In that case, so that there would be danger to health (mental, of course) of the herds of cattle Italioti, and therefore the prevention and isolation would be triggered lightning with a good preventive detention-like the mafia, as required by Decree Anti-rape. Instead, for popular sentiment, that a rich American girl, spoiled and petulant, with her mother, instead wait for the results of the test flu, she has gone to have a good time in different cities, infecting who knows how many people (who in turn then infect other people, and these in turn infect still other people, triggering a beautiful chain reaction), obviously should not be some kind rischio.Non because there is no fear of this terrible potential influence. But because in Italy, apparently there are more problems of a probable or insidious epidemia.Come you know, in Italy, there is the 'Emergency Rapes ", think a little . Since three or four months ago, the tabloid magazine -that is, the so-called -Tg and newspapers have spoken and straparlato of two or three suspected cases of sexual violence with a sensational unprecedented terrorism, the paranoid nightmare is over for this spectrum spread among the people, just like a virus, from mouth to mouth and mind to mind, to beat his sleep and distinguish his vulgar way of thinking and judging. So that this Western society as pleasure seeking, hedonistic and subservient to vulgar exhibitionism of each sex, then, as if nothing had happened, hypocritical and illogical, a test so irrational fear and hatred against what it precisely con suo comportamento ne è la causa, cioè contro gli "illeciti sessuali "(quelli veri e quelli immaginari creati ad arte da certe strampalate sentenze), al punto che ormai la parola "Stupro" ha assunto il significato stesso del Male Assoluto, che evoca quindi nelle menti manipolate della Massa Popolare, terribili e sconvolgenti scenari apocalittici, contro cui, quasi, si dovrebbe ricorrere al trascendentale per porvi rimedio. M igliaia e migliaia di anni fa è avvenuto il Diluvio Universale? Sì, ma c'è lo Stupro. Alcune migliaia di anni dopo, le orde di Gengis Khan e Attila, rispettivamente in Asia e in Europa, hanno sterminato milioni di persone? Sì, but there is rape. A thousand years after that, precisely in a fierce epidemic of 1348-50 Black Death wiped out one third of Europe's population? Yes, but there is rape. Several hundred years later still, the American Indians were exterminated by European settlers shot at and smallpox virus? Yes, but there is rape. A hundred years later, came the Second World War and Nazism? Yes, but there is rape. And now that we Fever Porcine, the bird flu, the Vaccara , the greenhouse effect, " Bin Laden ," the scioglimento dei ghiacciai,la prossima fine del mondo, bla .. bla . Embè ? C'è lo Stupro. Vade Retro.
Perchè , quindi,ci si deve preoccupare per il rischio di una pur pericolosissima epidemia di aggressiva Influenza, quando invece su di noi incombe la terribile Piaga dello Stupro? Pensate un , che di fronte a quest' ultima, si è sentito in dovere di intervenire finanche il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano , che dall'alto della sua carica ha tuonato contro "l 'infamia " of rape. With all due respect to all those who are victims of different (and actually more severe) from being raped and then, in respect of whom have not had the consolation of hearing issued a 'Presidential similar invective. But tant 'is. The populace's fear of rape, and basta.Accecato stuprazionista from this delusion, the mass of the people want blood, jail dramatically, knives, forks, tongs and curses against the eternal stupratori.Vuole be calmed. This' ultimate goal we thought Papi and its many-whores in dresses more or less institutionalized-that have made this Decree Anti Rapes dealing with those accused of rape in the same way the Mafia e peggio degli assassini(Carcere Preventivo, soppressione della Gozzini ) e con consequenziale aumento delle già di per se assurde e sproporzionate pene previste per questo reato.
Ecco, perchè , quindi, a questa società non fa paura la giovane Untorella americana che ci cosparge di pericolosi virus H1N1. Perchè ha ben altro di più grave contro cui combattere. Cioè contro gli "stupratori", quelli veri, quelli presunti, quelli falsi, quelli immaginari. Questa società non è tranquilla se non vede loro marcire in galera per tutta la vita e torturati dagli altri detenuti,come purtroppo effettivamente accade. E' disposta,quindi, pure a subire an 'epidemic of swine flu, but that there is even a small chance that a person accused of rape-even if only suspect has not yet been convicted-will put his nose out of jail, even if just for one day, no, this no, it is not prepared. We saw a few months ago, with the popular and media hysteria accompanied by real statements from civil war, When, the alleged author of the equally alleged "Rape New Year", was put under house arrest. All hell broke loose. The populace was dying from anger, rage and terror. Fortunately, as mentioned before, we thought immediately Papi and with him, his prostitutes presidential as well as the various Domenica In, the many Barbare D 'Urso , and squads of Nazi and Ronde Lega . And so, finally, we are all more relaxed and happy. We have established that a person accused of non-consensual sexual advances, should be required to go to jail (and even prohibited the arrest), even before it established his guilt or innocence, and if convicted, most of his stay life, with no discounts and the terrorist violence of other inmates who broke out against him, and all mothers and infanticide-foot free-are rigorously interviewed, all beautiful made-up, Open Studio, and while aspiring Untouchable-like said before-are free to walk the streets and traveling on trains. So it has been established. Tiè .
a company (or rather, a part of it) that does not pay to have turned sexuality into a trivial and obscene form of immorality and exhibitionism, nothing less then the courage to rage with hysterical violence against any perpetrators of theft sex, failing, for example, to discern the difference that exists-in terms of collective-hazard between a person accused of established a non-consensual sexual intercourse (action, however reprehensible that order always) and that instead it going to infect the area with a high risk of causing by a catastrophic epidemic, or chess, which takes away the life of an 'other person (ie murder), it deserves no consideration because clearly has lost all forms of morality and sense of proportion should simply re-educated then. But how, then? There is much to be optimistic. In fact, in the culmination of the period of collective psychosis on the "Emergency Rapes," the earth shook in Abruzzo, destroying a 'whole province and causing thousands of deaths, injuries and displaced persons in deep sorrow for what had happened, drew at least hope that the populace and its politicians have finally figured out what it was a real Emergency and that they had learned to distinguish it from false emergencies. Vain hope, unfortunately. This mob teledrogata Domenica In and Veline, does not really understand anything. At this point, so it can be concluded that more than anyone to shake should a catastrophic event of a global dimension, for example-remain resumed a topic with which we opened this article-a pretty aggressive flu epidemic, the one with the flakes, maybe a 'bird flu or like that of 1918-20 (the "English"). Perhaps in that case many people would start to give himself a shake and realize that you can not live alone and cried rape, maybe someone would begin to make serious in its shaped little head, that there are no other than rape, physical violence and psychological well-especially more and more serious.
But at what price, then.


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