Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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Mile in mint sauce and peach and strawberry mousse

often I prepare this recipe to work and I realized that I never posted!
has a great success, and generally everyone likes the smell of mint is super guessed!
I use the miles but I think also great on pasta or rice! Otherwise you can spread on bread because it sticks its creamy (I will always do a little more so we escape some slice of bread with a starter!) Or contratrio, diluted with a little hot water, it becomes an excellent creamy soup!
Try it and let me know if you liked it!

Ingredients for 4: 280 gr

150 gr spinach 1 onion 1 tablespoon of miso

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 bunch of parsley

20 fresh mint leaves 1 bay leaf salt

Cook miles in boiling water, then drain and set aside. Skip diced onion in oil, aggiungere gli spinaci, l’alloro e bagnare con un pò di acqua. Far cuocere 10 minuti poi aggiungere prezzemolo, menta e un pizzico di sale. Sciogliere il miso in un pò d'acqua tiepida e aggiungerlo al resto. A questo punto trasferire tutto in un recipiente e frullare con il minipimer.
Usare la salsina per condire il miglio!
Suggerimento: Sopra ci sta benissimo una grattuggiata di mandorle tostate!

Monday, July 26, 2010

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Lunga assenza, ma sono di ritorno..anche se per poco!
Il silenzio si è protratto un pò troppo perchè ho avuto il piacere di andare una settimana a Cortevecchia con La Sana Gola, ad aiutare in cucina!!
Cortevecchia è una tenuta di 2300 hectares in the middle of Tuscany, in the province of Grosseto. A beautiful place, surrounded by green Tuscan hills. Wherever girassi gaze, I saw only hills, olive trees, old farmhouses and an occasional tractor work. A place out of the world where relaxation is king .... as long as you're not a cook!
fact, for us the staff was not really a relaxing week! Wake up at 6.30 am, to 7 times in the kitchen where he remained until 3 in the afternoon. Then a couple of hours break in the pool and again in Sautee, serve, rearrange until late at night! It 'been a very busy but great!
At this point you have to put some nice pictures to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place!

brings us to today's recipe!
kanten A simple shake to get a nice fresh mousse that has nothing to envy to a sorbet, too sugary for my taste!
I had some strawberries and peaches, but is also excellent with watermelon, the melon, plums ... alive with the fruit season!

Ingredients for 4:
600 ml apple juice 3 c
clear agar agar powder 1 c
kuzu (optional) 100 ml cream of oats

a fishing
a basket of fresh strawberries

pinch of salt Preparation:
Put to boil the apple juice with agar agar and a pinch of salt. Apart dissolve the kuzu in a little of cold water. When the juice boils, add the dissolved kuzu and stir a couple of minutes. Turn off the heat and pour into a bowl. Immediately add the chopped fruit and cream.
Let cool for good in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, until the kanten is not very hard.
Now whisk well to obtain a mousse that you can decorate with what you want: raisins, chopped, crushed biscuits ..... THAT BUONAAA! fresh and great for snacks and dessert!

Now a week of daily routine and then the next step is a week to Flight of the Swallow, which this year offers rentals in Cilento, in Marina di Camerota! But there will not be part of staff of 100 but customers %!!!! And then down to Vieste to spend another full week, I already know, of orecchiette and solanaceous ... but I would say that for once there is! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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rustic tart with custard and peaches with wine flavored with coconut

I want to make sweet ... I do not know if it is normal, in fact I come home from work (I work in the kitchen) and I want to cook ... I'm hopeless! Never stop!
And by the way why are eletrizzata July 17 to 24 will be with Sana Gola Cortevecchia to help in the kitchen! I can not wait!
But there is a problem ... you see the edge of the pie? I do not like! I need a course for the edges of pies vegan ... I will never be perfect, damn!
But notice the aesthetics, this tart is a bomb! The base is always the same you can find: here.
I baked empty, with dry beans and peas in order to avoid getting up too. Then I prepared a creamy sauce and turmeric vanilla custard and peaches marinated and cooked in red wine ... lecherous!

base for tart (see explanation above)
for cream:
400 ml rice milk
50 gr rice flour
1 / 2 vanilla bean (long black)
1 teaspoon of agar agar
2 cucchiai di malto d'orzo o di riso
1 cucchiaino di curcuma

Per la frutta:
3-4 pesche mature
300 ml di vino rosso a piacere

Mentre la crostata cuoce nel forno (meglio se il forno sta in cantina, altrimenti la potete fare di questo periodo la sera è bella fresca e avreste una colazione bell'eppronta!) pulite e tagliate le pesche a fettine e lasciatele macerare nel vino rosso per almeno una mezz'ora.
Mettete in un pentolino il latte di riso con tutti gli altri ingredienti della crema tranne la farina che aggiungerete quando il tutto comincerà a bollire. Mescolate bene con a whip or help you with the blender to remove any lumps. Boil 5 minutes then turn off the flame. In a nonstick saucepan
cook the peaches with wine maceration. Let them go about 10 minutes, if they are mature enough to even less, all the liquid and let dry.
When the tart is ready, let cool slightly then pour the cream in the center previously prepared. Do not let it cool before adding it to the cake too otherwise it will become a jelly roll and then it will be difficult.
Refrigerate for 10 minutes so that the cream congeals.
Finally, place the peaches over the cake to your liking. Polished edges crostata con del malto sciolto in un pò d'acqua tiepida!
Ottima per la colazione ma anche come fine pasto estivo, è molto fresca e il contrasto della curcuma con l'asprino delle pesche è una meraviglia!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Runescape Higher Definition Forum


Sono sparita per un pò! Ho un pò di ricette in arretrato da postare e vedrò di rifarmi questo mese!
Finalmente la scorsa Domenica ho sostenuto l'esame di cuoca alla Sana Gola...sono felicissima!! Che tensione...non pensavo, e invece ero tesa! Mi sono stati assegnati la zuppa di miso e le scaloppine di seitan al limone. Entrambi classici, ed è andata bene! Dopo l'esame between the talk we SBAFO the dishes prepared during the morning, but as I ate pudding?! How good! Now I'm officially LSG
cook, I hope this is the beginning of many wonderful experiences!

But let us. I am continuing to try the recipes for cookies that I bought the book last month (biscuits natural, Boscarello) and this test is successful. The texture is crumbly, Mandorlini the above there is great and they are also nice to see!

Makes about 40 cookies: 200 grams

wholemeal flour 50 g rice flour 80 g malt
rice or corn oil 60 ml 70 ml

rice milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon
grated rind of 1 / 2 lemon

8 oz cream of tartar 30 gr grated coconut or coconut flesh (100% coconut)
whole almonds for garnish (one biscuit)

pinch of salt Preparation: Mix in a bowl
flour, baking powder, lemon zest, cinnamon and salt. If you use grated coconut add it to flour, if you use the meat, melt in rice milk.
United ingredients oil and malt mixed in a bowl with rice milk. Mix thoroughly and pour onto a pastry board. Knead the dough with your hands until a smooth soft dough. Let rest in refrigerator for half an hour.
Form the dough into balls and mash a bit between your hands. Place them on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper and decorate each with an almond candy.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until they are golden.