Mile in mint sauce and peach and strawberry mousse
often I prepare this recipe to work and I realized that I never posted!
has a great success, and generally everyone likes the smell of mint is super guessed!
I use the miles but I think also great on pasta or rice! Otherwise you can spread on bread because it sticks its creamy (I will always do a little more so we escape some slice of bread with a starter!) Or contratrio, diluted with a little hot water, it becomes an excellent creamy soup!
Try it and let me know if you liked it!
Ingredients for 4: 280 gr
150 gr spinach 1 onion 1 tablespoon of miso
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 bunch of parsley
20 fresh mint leaves 1 bay leaf salt
Cook miles in boiling water, then drain and set aside. Skip diced onion in oil, aggiungere gli spinaci, l’alloro e bagnare con un pò di acqua. Far cuocere 10 minuti poi aggiungere prezzemolo, menta e un pizzico di sale. Sciogliere il miso in un pò d'acqua tiepida e aggiungerlo al resto. A questo punto trasferire tutto in un recipiente e frullare con il minipimer.
Usare la salsina per condire il miglio!
Suggerimento: Sopra ci sta benissimo una grattuggiata di mandorle tostate!
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