Monday, March 7, 2011

Portable Moving Units Nj

dall''unificazione Italu They use 150 years under one scepter ...


dall''unificazione Italu They use 150 years under one crown, one of the Savoy.
born then a nation, forced into the "piemontesizzazione" the rest of Italy, but especially with the'annessione the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, by far the richest and most prosperous territories of the rest of Italy.
'oro The Banco di Sicilia and Banco di Napoli econimia served to promote the North of that the new nation, which was in pitiful condition, this was the most important contribution that such unification Garibaldi: the robbery "military force" of the gold, which still constitutes the 4 / 5 of the gold reserves of the Bank of Italy.
But it was a nation, not a state, since the Albertine Statute could not be considered a guide for a people-Constitution. Thus Italy became the state when she reached the democratic conscience and said, after the disaster of the 2nd World War, a longer guaranteed in the Constitutions of the world.
became a state, but is not yet a common homeland, as it lacks the idea of \u200b\u200ba "joint venture" Paradoxical as it may seem, this pointed out the absence Giovanni Gentile, the philosopher absorbed by the Fascist regime, which regime did not understand anything of what the philosopher claimed.
The existence of a state is imposed from the outside, shaped by the rhythms and community organizations that need to be non-selective or caste.
The company is part human and social relations that contains within itself that is realized and actualized in individual liberty that blends the freedom of all: freedom or belongs to all or is not (what he was doing in Fascism, Giovanni Gentile is not given yet to understand).
The 'man (it is always the thought of Gentile) is naturally sociable, because the individual needs of others, such as the need of each other, problems arise when the bullying happens to the natural solidarity with the formation of "classes" that become mutually antagonistic today exceeded even the distinction between classes, being shown the "caste" that is imposed on top of other citizens in the face to those laws that the Constitution requires "equal for all."
The'idea of \u200b\u200b"caste" is result of the statement of liberalism that divides the people into "rulers" and "governed" who orders and who is forced to obey, those who decide and those who suffer the consequences, with a wall dividing the two parts of rubber, creating a structure quota, economic and / or administrative, destined to never become common country, as at the height of the route that starts from the nation state and it becomes you and you feel as common homeland, the homeland because it is so only if you take the time dimension "eternal", supported by moral values \u200b\u200band educational'organizzazione able to structure the same society and direct it to the "common good".

by ROSARIO Roxas

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