Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Put On A Stayfree Pad

holidays in April and May with Ryanair is the new promotion!

This is the new Ryanair's offer, it is interesting that also included the period of May , so if any of you were interested in organizing a weekend this spring is the time to start taking a look even though I believe that in a not too distant future will arrive (hopefully) better offers, last year I bought three tickets to Krakow to € 3 in this periodo.Per more info, I refer you to the official page of Ryanair.

Cricket Wordpress Blog

Tour of Genoa train at a discounted price

If you're planning a short vacation in Genoa today I found this offer on the portal kgb , which could be very interesting and I am sure that much fun for your kids.
Basically you can buy a cupon valid for two people to make a tour of the city at a price of € 6.50 instead of 13.Non evil. For more information this is the link

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Tripadvisor earn miles with Lufthansa Miles and More

Yesterday I received one of the newsletter tripadvisor and saw that some of you participating in this program of collecting miles I wanted to share this news with my readers, writing in practice at least 3 reviews of hotels and restaurants on TripAdvisor, you will earn miles that will take rewards, for details, I refer you to the official page of Lufthansa , you have time until April 30, 2011

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Pizza 1 euro, that's my experience

From some time in my blog devoted much space to the offerings of various groups of which I bought as many of you I belong. scettiscismo After I started buying on the initial regularity of their proposals. A few weeks ago, taking advantage of an offer launched by Grupalia I bought pizza 1 €, a popular restaurant in Genoa a few steps from the fair sea. the idea was to spend the whole day at the Spring Fair and leaving to go out to eat so we did. Of course I booked telephone and when we arrived they made us sit in one of the best tables at the local, I will not bore you about my gourmet meal, but I wanted to tell you that compared with a buck we ate really well, pizza, soft drink and spending in 4 less than 40 € (we had bought all the good bought), then summing up 1 euro pizza, the rest will pay full price but even so the discount was very convenient and better treatment. Council also you subscribe to newsletters of Grupalia to stay current on their proposals.

Cryptic Car Quiz Answers

The Via Francigena, an ancient road to build the future of Europe

The Via Cassia, from Canterbury to Rome is a historical itinerary, a highway covered in the past by thousands of pilgrims traveling to Rome. It was especially at the beginning of the second millennium that Europe went through a multitude of souls in search of the Lost Heavenly Home. " This route bears witness to the importance of pilgrimage in medieval times was to travel mostly on foot (for penitential reasons) with a distance of 20-25 kilometers per day, and was a fundamentally devotion: the pilgrimage to the Holy Places of Christian religion. It is known that three were poles of attraction for humanity in this way: first, Rome, site of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, Santiago de Compostela, where the apostle St. James had chosen to rest in peace in the Holy Land and of course Jerusalem. The pilgrim did not travel alone but in groups and wore the insignia of the pilgrimage (the shell for Santiago de Compostela, the cross of Jerusalem, the key to St. Peter's in Rome). Along these routes of pilgrimage routes were at the same time intense trading and that they were covered by the armies in their movements.

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The ViaFrancigena: an ancient road to build the future of Europe
When it comes to ViaFrancigena refers to the historic route depending on the itinerary of Sigerico, archbishop of Canterbury, in 990 in his return journey from Rome where the pope had received the pallium Archbishop writes a brief guide to travel where I listed 80 stages (48 in Italy and the rest by the passage of the Gran San Bernardo to the English Channel) . Leaving the Eternal City, Sigerico passing Viterbo, enter into Tuscany at Radicofani, and Siena, crossed the Arno in front of Fucecchio back to Lucca, and from there he passed Pontremoli, reaches the Cisa pass to continue to Fornovo and Bicester. Forded the Po near Piacenza, arriving on the shore of Lodi Court in St. Andrew, making a stop in Santa Cristina, Pavia and Tromello. From here comes in Vercelli, continuing Santhià, Aosta Italy, and finally leaves through the mountain pass of the Great Saint Bernard live in Canterbury. It must be said that the ViaFrancigena is to be understood not as a single track, but just like a road system, a set of branching paths in time and space. Today, the stretch of the route is mainly Francigena flows from Canterbury to Rome important destination and center of Christianity of the medieval pilgrimage (along with Jerusalem and Santiago de Compostela).

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Tapeworm From Cookie Dough

Greetings to all women by Easy Jet

now the news has spread quickly in the web but for those who like to signal was lost if the supply of jet Easy to celebrate the feast of women, who will buy your ticket from 4 8 March 2011 will enjoy a 18% discount

Looking For Fabric With Mooses On It.

But how can the world that comics they promised me there? The remuneration



do not like to share what goes through my head all over the planet, but now the situation is tragic and my thoughts and I hope it is also that of most of my peers. How nice that was
world when you do not really know how it works! there were only the good and the bad and the distinction was easy! You knew exactly where to go without margin of error ...

But now we are great, the eyes are opened more and more, listen more and more people's ears and brain work independently ...

But how can the world that comics they promised me there? The mayor of Duckburg
not really think about the good of the citizens but only to himself, how to make more money off the backs of their constituents (unfortunately it seems to have been democratically elected as ...), look better in front of cameras, messing with other mayors in other cities e come cavarsela per non finire in prigione quando non da festini a luci rosse nella sua mega villa, dove troppo spesso vengono invitate anche le amiche di Qui,Quo e Qua...
Zio paperone non è più un bonario avaro ma gentile zione, ma è uno spietato industriale che non paga le tasse, pronto a piegare la dignità delle persone pur di guadagnare quei due euro in più, disposto a sfruttare i bambini per avere manodopera a basso costo, disposto a maltrattare e uccidere dei poveri animali per testare dei cosmetici e farmaci.

Paperino non è solo uno sfortunatissimo squattrinato, è un padre di famiglia che lavora in condizioni pietose si sveglia alle 4 del mattino per andare in fabbrica, dove è costretto a lavorare for one year in layoffs and see the increased overtime and breaks halved all hidden by a handful of euro more in the paycheck and the promise of a better future that would in all likelihood, will never come ...

Gaston is not conceited and a lucky duck, it's just nobodies that ends all the newspapers and all television, because he participated in the nonsoquale reality show, and people give more importance to what he ate for lunch that person rather what's happening in the state where she lives.

Commissioner sideburns no longer stops the bad guys, but the load order of peaceful demonstrators calling for a change, who want to understand that it can not continue.

Mickey And what happened? him with his extraordinary intuition and her insatiable appetite for knowledge helped to arrest the bad guys? well ... is not heard ... was employed by a broadcaster, but an employee of the mayor of Duckburg and Mickey (well you write while he expands his power ...), decided to take away his salary just to cap the mouth, but luckily Mickey is stubborn. .. does not give up!

Why not work in comic books? Where is the world's great that you adults you promised me? Miss
that I and other friends of Tip and Tap (who had become their twenties) we should make ourselves heard, to return il sindaco di Paperopoli un servo dellla popolazione che lo ha eletto, Zio Paperone un onesto imprenditore rispettoso dei suoi dipendenti, dobbiamo farci sentire affinchè Paperino torni ad essere un lavoratore che oltre ad attemperare ai propri doveri possa godere appieno dei diritti che si merita, Gastone... beh Gastone non deve più esistere... Basettoni deve riprendere a mettere in carcere i cattivi e proteggere i pacifici manifestanti che cercano di farsi ascoltare per sistemare il futuro anche dei suoi figli...

E Topolino?
Topolino, deve poter fare il suo lavoro senza ostacoli, e tutti i cittadini devono poter essere dei piccoli Topolini...

Mi spiace ma preferisco il mondo che mi han promesso i fumetti....

 di Federico Galli

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

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chocolate brownies banana pudding with cardamom rice with nooks

Che vergogna che vergogna, posto troppo raramente!! Periodo abbastanza stressante questo, sono alla ricerca di mobili per la futura casetta percui ogni momento libero che ho, o quasi, lo trascorro a discutere di centimetri o rivestimenti...aiuto!
Guarda caso l'unico locale a cui non devo pensare è la cucina, che c'è già....percui mannaggia, la parte più divertente me l'hanno levata!
Di conseguenza cucino poco, fuori from working. But last night I was having dinner with a friend (not that master chef and cooking veg * on your site will be online soon and I'll rigirerò in every possible way!) And she gave me a packet of cardamom. I wanted to try it now for a pudding because I wanted to see if I could chop well well, finissimissimo. And I think I have succeeded! Cardamom has a special flavor to be percu used sparingly or risk of disgust.
Try it and eat it too tons!!
Ingredients for the pudding:

600 ml milk, rice or millet
3 C almond cream
finely chopped 2 cardamom pods
rice flour 40 g self-produced (with coffee grinder)
60 gr rice malt
1 teaspoon of agar agar powder to 1 tablespoon of cornstarch or
pinch of salt Preparation

pudding Pour the milk into a saucepan, add salt, malt and cream almonds.
As for the rice flour, I have self-produced by grinding the flour with my coffee grinder ... and adding 2 cardamom pods that otherwise would not have been able to reduce to flour.
Otherwise you can crush the pods in a mortar, but try to chop finely else who will pluck the little piece of cardamom in the teeth do not hurt either.
Then add the cardamom with the flour and cornstarch in saucepan and stir good cold avoid lumps. Also add the agar agar and light the fire. Bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes, until the liquid will thicken a little.
Pour into cups and decorated perhaps with toasted sesame seeds.

To accompany this I also made the pudding with orange almond biscuits that are simple and always good. For about 16 cantuccini ...

200 g wholemeal flour pinch of salt

30 gr rice malt

grated rind of 1 orange 50 ml corn oil 50 g chopped walnuts

50 grams of dried raisins reidtratate

apple juice to taste 1 teaspoon baking soda sodium
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Mescolate farina, buccia d'arancia, sale e bicarbonato. Strizzate le uvette e asciugatele, poi aggiungetele alla farina. Incorporate anche l'olio e sfregate bene l'impasto con le mani per ottenere il solito effetto "sabbioso". Aggiungete ora anche le noci, il malto e mescolate bene con un cucchiaio di legno per amalgamare tutto. Versate nell'impasto succo di mela q.b. per legarlo appena, non di più! E infine il cucchiaio di aceto, che aiuterà la piccola lievitazione di questo dolce.
Formate una sorta di salsicciotto con l'impasto e infornatelo per 15 minuti a 180°.
Trascorso questo tempo toglietelo dal forno, tagliatelo a fette e rimettetelo in forno per altri 10 minuti (controllate, non si sa mio forno mi ha betrayed and did not sound ... I've saved the hair!)
Sfornateli and enjoy them cold.
Great for a soft-crisp contrast with our pudding, but just as good with a glass of sweet wine!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Football Helmet Repainting

Benigni for participation in the Festival Sanremo è stato interamente devoluto ...

Un grande uomo Italiano a Sanremo spiega l'inno Italiano e la sua storia. 150 Anni la Festa dell'Unità d'Italia con una entrata storica alla Garibaldi.



Il compenso di Benigni per la partecipazione at the Sanremo Festival (250,000 euros)

Meyer was entirely devoted to the hospital in Florence for the construction of an entire pavilion. And the decision was taken (of course) to When signing the contract.


Friday, February 11, 2011

What Happens During Transferring Maplestory

Sardegna, Il cinghiale da un milione di Euro e la pianta inarrestabile

Sardinia, the boar by one million euros and the plant unstoppable


Il giacinto d'acqua, foto da Wikipedia (autore: USDA, licenza: pubblico dominio), la pianta aliena che sta colonizzando e creando notevoli problemi nell'Oristanese
There are days when it seems that the nature rebels al'uomo and show all his strength and even arrogance , perhaps to make us understand that our civilization as advanced and bold is nothing compared to the energies of creation will et.
It 's the case of water hyacinth, a weed home after invading South American (and crushed) a channel Oristano is now penetrated the adjacent Cabras grazie alle abbondanti piogge invernali che hanno permesso lo straripamento oltre l'argine creato per impedirne appunto la diffusione.
Nessuno ci ha prestato particolare attenzione perché si credeva che questa pianta temesse gli ambienti salmastri , che il sale l'avrebbe brucciata bloccandone la crescita e la diffusione, invece la natura ci stupisce ancora.. la pianta si è adattata e sta proliferando .. è anche bella a vedersi e fa dei bellissimi fiori, peccato si mangi tutto l'ossigeno facendo morire i pesci.

Il cinghiale da un milione di dollari:
Ma probabilmente ciò che più you will hit was a reference to any Boar by one million dollars , the most expensive in the history of the planet. Just the other day I said the large number of wild boars for a walk around the island, so many that in some areas are becoming invasive, well this is the story of two men who came out street in 2003 at Alghero to avoid a boar and one of them unfortunately did not make it. Now the family have won the case against Sardinia must pay a million euro compensation , why? Why "Sardinia is the owner of the game" also "lacked the cartel threat wild animals" .
Perhaps in our relationship with nature there is something out of balance ..


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Casi a confronto , Marrazzo e B

scandal exploded trans
just days before the primary Pd Lazio.
How come there are shocked threw
ticking against justice?

cases compared: Marrazzo and B.
Marco Travaglio

When the case broke out of the governor, no one accused the prosecutor of "spying through the keyhole." Nobody said that it must remain at his post 'as elected by the people. " Indeed, the right-wing press howled: "Resignation, disappear." And he was not even suspect ...

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"a government under blackmail is halved and politically crippled, unable to perform with confidence and institutional responsibility functions that go far beyond the events of his very private ... The institutions must be made safe from any suspicion and interference ... Marrazzo should consider taking a step back is not the only gesture full of dignity ...".

So wrote October 24, 2009 Pierluigi Battista in his editorial in the Corriere della sera ". Three days before they were jailed three July 3 policemen who had entered illegally in the housing of trans-Natal, via Gradoli 1996, filming the then governor of the Lazio in a feast of sex and cocaine blackmail him then. Marrazzo was not investigated, but rightly the Corriere churches his resignation. Even Renato Farina alias Birch on "Newspaper", then Victor Felt, rebuked: "Resignation, disappear. If there are processes, we shall see, but meanwhile abandon cars and double-breasted blue, change route."

And Maurizio Belpietro, on "Free", he thundered: "It is obvious to anyone that the governor can not keep his place one more day ... The reason to remove it quickly are well known: he was caught in a situation embarrassing, but after his behavior was anything but clear ... He tried to muddy the waters by providing versions of convenience which is not found and now investigators are trying to check ... You unpresentable. Common sense have suggested that out of the way as soon as possible. "

Marrazzo resigned within three days. It was the eve of the primaries of the Democratic Party candidate for governor and Marrazzo, without the scandal, he would win hands down. Instead he left the scene and, thanks to the scandal, the Democratic Party lost the Lazio, won by Renata Polverini. Yet no one yelled at the Justice clockwork. " No one said that Marrazzo had to remain in place as "elected by the people" (the governors, unlike the Prime Minister, I really am). Nobody pm and journalists accused of "spying" the poor man "through the keyhole" violating her "privacy" (but without the intelligence of the three policemen, nobody could blackmail him).

Now the question is simple, almost trivial: because what was true for Marrazzo, blackmailed, but not investigated, Berlusconi is not the case, investigated and blackmailed or extorted money from dozens of girls armed with pictures and videos on partying at the villa, many of which have received money or promises of money exchange for their silence? Waiting for the "Journal" on him: "Resignation, disappear"? And Belpietro to explain that "it is evident to anyone who now can not stand in his place one day more"? And to suggest that the Baptist Knight a "step back" as a prime minister "under blackmail is halved and politically crippled"? We look forward to: we would never have suspected that the "Journal", Belpietro and Baptist are not impartial. O indeed, they have a weakness for Berlusconi.

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