Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Insurance Company Take Money From My Account

chocolate brownies banana pudding with cardamom rice with nooks

Che vergogna che vergogna, posto troppo raramente!! Periodo abbastanza stressante questo, sono alla ricerca di mobili per la futura casetta percui ogni momento libero che ho, o quasi, lo trascorro a discutere di centimetri o rivestimenti...aiuto!
Guarda caso l'unico locale a cui non devo pensare è la cucina, che c'è già....percui mannaggia, la parte più divertente me l'hanno levata!
Di conseguenza cucino poco, fuori from working. But last night I was having dinner with a friend (not that master chef and cooking veg * on your site will be online soon and I'll rigirerò in every possible way!) And she gave me a packet of cardamom. I wanted to try it now for a pudding because I wanted to see if I could chop well well, finissimissimo. And I think I have succeeded! Cardamom has a special flavor to be percu used sparingly or risk of disgust.
Try it and eat it too tons!!
Ingredients for the pudding:

600 ml milk, rice or millet
3 C almond cream
finely chopped 2 cardamom pods
rice flour 40 g self-produced (with coffee grinder)
60 gr rice malt
1 teaspoon of agar agar powder to 1 tablespoon of cornstarch or
pinch of salt Preparation

pudding Pour the milk into a saucepan, add salt, malt and cream almonds.
As for the rice flour, I have self-produced by grinding the flour with my coffee grinder ... and adding 2 cardamom pods that otherwise would not have been able to reduce to flour.
Otherwise you can crush the pods in a mortar, but try to chop finely else who will pluck the little piece of cardamom in the teeth do not hurt either.
Then add the cardamom with the flour and cornstarch in saucepan and stir good cold avoid lumps. Also add the agar agar and light the fire. Bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes, until the liquid will thicken a little.
Pour into cups and decorated perhaps with toasted sesame seeds.

To accompany this I also made the pudding with orange almond biscuits that are simple and always good. For about 16 cantuccini ...

200 g wholemeal flour pinch of salt

30 gr rice malt

grated rind of 1 orange 50 ml corn oil 50 g chopped walnuts

50 grams of dried raisins reidtratate

apple juice to taste 1 teaspoon baking soda sodium
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Mescolate farina, buccia d'arancia, sale e bicarbonato. Strizzate le uvette e asciugatele, poi aggiungetele alla farina. Incorporate anche l'olio e sfregate bene l'impasto con le mani per ottenere il solito effetto "sabbioso". Aggiungete ora anche le noci, il malto e mescolate bene con un cucchiaio di legno per amalgamare tutto. Versate nell'impasto succo di mela q.b. per legarlo appena, non di più! E infine il cucchiaio di aceto, che aiuterà la piccola lievitazione di questo dolce.
Formate una sorta di salsicciotto con l'impasto e infornatelo per 15 minuti a 180°.
Trascorso questo tempo toglietelo dal forno, tagliatelo a fette e rimettetelo in forno per altri 10 minuti (controllate, non si sa mio forno mi ha betrayed and did not sound ... I've saved the hair!)
Sfornateli and enjoy them cold.
Great for a soft-crisp contrast with our pudding, but just as good with a glass of sweet wine!


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