But how can the world that comics they promised me there? The remuneration
do not like to share what goes through my head all over the planet, but now the situation is tragic and my thoughts and I hope it is also that of most of my peers. How nice that was
world when you do not really know how it works! there were only the good and the bad and the distinction was easy! You knew exactly where to go without margin of error ...
But now we are great, the eyes are opened more and more, listen more and more people's ears and brain work independently ...
But how can the world that comics they promised me there? The mayor of Duckburg
not really think about the good of the citizens but only to himself, how to make more money off the backs of their constituents (unfortunately it seems to have been democratically elected as ...), look better in front of cameras, messing with other mayors in other cities e come cavarsela per non finire in prigione quando non da festini a luci rosse nella sua mega villa, dove troppo spesso vengono invitate anche le amiche di Qui,Quo e Qua...
Zio paperone non è più un bonario avaro ma gentile zione, ma è uno spietato industriale che non paga le tasse, pronto a piegare la dignità delle persone pur di guadagnare quei due euro in più, disposto a sfruttare i bambini per avere manodopera a basso costo, disposto a maltrattare e uccidere dei poveri animali per testare dei cosmetici e farmaci.
Paperino non è solo uno sfortunatissimo squattrinato, è un padre di famiglia che lavora in condizioni pietose si sveglia alle 4 del mattino per andare in fabbrica, dove è costretto a lavorare for one year in layoffs and see the increased overtime and breaks halved all hidden by a handful of euro more in the paycheck and the promise of a better future that would in all likelihood, will never come ...
Gaston is not conceited and a lucky duck, it's just nobodies that ends all the newspapers and all television, because he participated in the nonsoquale reality show, and people give more importance to what he ate for lunch that person rather what's happening in the state where she lives.
Commissioner sideburns no longer stops the bad guys, but the load order of peaceful demonstrators calling for a change, who want to understand that it can not continue.
Mickey And what happened? him with his extraordinary intuition and her insatiable appetite for knowledge helped to arrest the bad guys? well ... is not heard ... was employed by a broadcaster, but an employee of the mayor of Duckburg and Mickey (well you write while he expands his power ...), decided to take away his salary just to cap the mouth, but luckily Mickey is stubborn. .. does not give up!
Why not work in comic books? Where is the world's great that you adults you promised me? Miss
that I and other friends of Tip and Tap (who had become their twenties) we should make ourselves heard, to return il sindaco di Paperopoli un servo dellla popolazione che lo ha eletto, Zio Paperone un onesto imprenditore rispettoso dei suoi dipendenti, dobbiamo farci sentire affinchè Paperino torni ad essere un lavoratore che oltre ad attemperare ai propri doveri possa godere appieno dei diritti che si merita, Gastone... beh Gastone non deve più esistere... Basettoni deve riprendere a mettere in carcere i cattivi e proteggere i pacifici manifestanti che cercano di farsi ascoltare per sistemare il futuro anche dei suoi figli...
E Topolino?
Topolino, deve poter fare il suo lavoro senza ostacoli, e tutti i cittadini devono poter essere dei piccoli Topolini...
Mi spiace ma preferisco il mondo che mi han promesso i fumetti....
di Federico Galli
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