Life in a prison open Act
Luana : On 30 years. Used, large cocaine and clubbers, spends his weekend to have sex with casual partners in dancing.
Luca : Out of 25 years. Student, docile and quiet, but a little nervous. Minute and delicate.
The Unmentionable: Non Nominabile.E 'the authentic version of Luke. E 'Luke, but as in a parallel universe.
Nicolas : Out of 25 years. Roma ethnic group, and poor fields with occasional alms obtained by playing the accordion in bus and subway .
Act II
Luana : After a night of Carnival in the disco passed between alcohol, pills and sex with more guys, go to the police station, declaring that he was "raped by a pack . However, only declares a name of the alleged rapists, the 'Unmentionable.
The Unmentionable : an unpronounceable name, because the crime he is accused, that the "sexual violence", that this society, absurd and hypocritical, do not consider it a 'violent action like all other violent actions of this world, but as something out of this world, in short comeun something transcendental. The Unnamable, unfortunately, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, because until then had never been in a nightclub and he felt compelled to go because Urges by fellow academics.
Luke: Maybe because looks a little " wrong" a woman who mocks him for his appearance a bit clumsy and "intellectual" is studded with punches and kicks from her boyfriend, a big man up a 105 and ninety pounds. Only the intervention of some passers-by avoiding a sure execution. Luke ends up in hospital with broken bones and ribs. Meanwhile quella donna elogia il suo "moroso", abbracciandolo, in quanto tutto orgogliosa del suo " principe azzurro " che con grande "f orza e coraggio " ha vendicato lo " sgarro " di Luca nei suoi confronti.
Nicolas : Mentre si trova in bus a chiedere qualche spicciolo, viene arrestato dagli agenti sollecitati da signore e signorine scollate, perizomate e con Novella 2000 in mano.
Atto III
Luana : Sporta la denuncia, i carabinieri chiamano rinforzi e si avventano nella casa del ragazzo denunciato,l'Innominabile, to drag in prison. All newspapers and TV news for days, spend most of their news this story of the girl raped in nightclub ", speaking of" emergency "in tones of war civile.Nei following days, politicians of all sides, in the name of girl raped in nightclub ", are competing to see who offers the most ruthless and repressive laws, and, in spite of the well known slow parliament, in record time, special orders are approved law on rape
Luca : During her hospital stay, his family make complaints in respect of 'aggressor. Agents collect in the complaint, very coldly tell them to contact a lawyer and from there, if they have money and time to establish a judicial procedure. Meanwhile, the aggressor, though reached by a community of police, is not subject to any restrictive measure and still safely and without worries his life based on body building , sex drive, and fights in defense of his " Princess. "
Nicolas : In the barracks is slapped, punched and kicked in the belly. No matter the crime, it much less whether he is guilty or innocent. It 's a Roma and that is enough.
Atto IV
Luana : Viene intervistata dai più importanti quotidiani e telegiornali, dove si esibisce con faccia spavalda e vendicativa in invettive e dichiara di voler uccidere con le sue mani il ragazzo da lei accusato, l'Innominabile. Tutti la applaudono e la elogiano. Il Popolo Bue-Sovrano sta dalla sua parte nei propositi omicidi.
L'Innominabile :Intanto,in carcere viene picchiato dai secondini, e benche messo in isolamento, viene torturato e sodomizzato dagli altri detenuti(incarcerati per reati non sessuali).
Luca : The poor man, just released from 'hospital, all battered by the severe injuries suffered, along with his parents try to find a good lawyer to file a complaint, but can not afford spending so onerous, he is forced to rely on a mediocre lawyer. Meanwhile, he bought a suoaggressore bell'abbonamento a Park of Love ', that is, those much-desired by private car-leaguers where couples can go for the filthy quietly "to protect sexual predators" [ sic].
Nicolas : Pass the time in jail in complete anomimato and contempt. Nobody knows anything about him, and he does not know or does not include the crime of which he is charged. Unfortunately, knows little of the Italian language and his lawyer-a little more than a boy-and early experiences did not provide many details about the crime he is accused, but prefers to focus on "extenuating circumstances". One day, Nicolas see that a group of prisoners drag a detainee into a corner and immediately began to take a beating and sodomizing. Seeing this, the Roma, all filled with anger and outrage, calling the guards shouting, which act to free the victim and took her to a 'cell other more isolated, but not without first giving him an extra ration of beatings. This held just saved from being lynched is the Unspeakable, the alleged rapist Luana .
Act V
Luana : During the investigation, she will feature several versions and all contradictory to each other, especially now begin to say that she was not raped by more than five people as he had stated in the original complaint, but by two, then a few days later, he would declare that she was raped by one person. But despite these continuing discrepancy between their version and retractions, the magistrates will set up in record time trial of 'the accused, which, of course, can not produce any evidence in mitigation as there is no objective evidence to determine whether sex was consensual or not. But the law has only the statement of the woman who claims she was raped. It is enough. The PM ask 25 years' imprisonment for the defendant.
Luke: His lawyer, of course, to try to strengthen the prosecution's, ask him to present any testimony, which obviously poor Luke has that day because there was no way anyone who knew and therefore could witness for his cause. Instead, the attacker "will manufacture the" many witnesses by asking his friends to testify on his behalf.
Nicolas : The PM calls against him a sentence of seven years' imprisonment for minor offenses of common law and that he even knows he is accused. He is very respectful and obedient towards the guards and strives with humanity and affection to other prisoners in need. It also tries to protest strongly to the prison director to ask for more guarantees for the unmentionable, but his lawyer to stop this from the could backfire against as an "aggravating" judicial gli intima più volte di desistere da questo scopo. Ma Nicolas non ne vuole sapere nulla perchè non si dà pace nel vedere un detenuto trattato in quel modo.
Atto VI
Luana e l'Innominabile : I giudici e la giuria popolare accolgono la richiesta dell' accusa.L'Innomminabile è condannato a 20 anni di reclusione. Il mondo politico, la stampa e l'opinione pubblica, benchè soddisfatti della condanna, auspicano in futuro pene ben più alte, e in tal proposito vengono presentate in parlamento varie proposte di legge. Intanto Unnamable starts for a real ordeal. Like all inmates to sexual violence, will serve his sentence until the last day, without hope of discounts, even if seriously ill, will never use, even temporarily, of arrest or license premium, in short, as ordered for rape is the most basic benefits of private prisons (Law Gozzini ) which also held for murder and slaughter may, however, use . And even though if after these 20 years, including abuse and attempts to lynch the other prisoners, were to survive when released from prison he will take over the social death avoided because and drive by everyone, including his family. In short, a requirement of survival with death: it is called Inferno .
Luca : After no less than 2 years of appeals and postponements, we finally arrived in a judicial proceeding. Though missing witnesses, medical reports are clear and overwhelming. The 'big man offender is sentenced at first instance only 5 months' imprisonment, of course fully condoned by the conditional' pardon. He almost suffered the sentence does not even know [so to speak]. Meanwhile his wife is more proud of him.
Nicolas : Viene condannato a 5 anni. Gli è andata bene, in fondo. E' pur sempre un "subumano". Dalla cella, Nicolas aspetta con pazienza ansiosa che passino questi maledetti 5 anni. Passati i quali, ha intenzione di ritornarsene in Romania per mai stare più nell' Inferno-Italia.
Atto VII
Luana : Nel frattempo il suo comune di residenza che in processo si era costituito Parte Civile, ogni estate gli paga una bella vacanza in Jamaica . Intanto viene anche candidata nelle liste di un partito political and elected Members; also writes books which talks about her alleged experience of "rape" that reveal true best seller . In parliament strives so be approved a law allowing women to go naked in public places and that subsidies cost the faithless wives.
Luca : A subsequent trial will implement definitely the aggressor. The wrong look his woman depicted as a "visual nuisance ", hence the "legitimate" intervention of his partners. Luke is depressed, discouraged and severed all social contact.
Nicolas and the Unmentionable One day, Nicolas see some nurses and guards that take away on a stretcher with a prisoner lying lifeless. The instantly recognizable, is the Unspeakable: hanged himself because tired of the ongoing violence and harassment by other inmates because without hope for a conviction without end and because aware that before him lay ahead a perpetual torment, from which only death could free him physically. May Peace be upon him. Meanwhile the body of 'Unspeakable can not even be buried in its cemetery because the inhabitants of his country are almost a revolt so that the "maniac" is not buried deep in their dead, and even come to attack the priest who was "allowed" to bless salma.Intanto in prison, the detainees to celebrate the suicide of "pork rapist", but Nicolas shocked by this macabre uproar, turned and retreated to his cell, his body without Unspeakable life still imprinted in his mind, he kneels and makes a preghiera per l'Innominabile e per tutte le persone sole che soffrono perchè scacciate dalla società, i cosiddetti "scarti umani".
Qualche anno dopo
Luca , triste, solo e umiliato, morirà investito da un auto. Un incidente, o, forse, un suicidio. Forse.
Intanto il suo aggressore, l'omone, essendo stato mollato dalla sua donna che nel frattempo si è invaghita di un uomo ancora " più figo e Romantic "him, in 'insist on restoring the relationship with her, he will end up in jail for stalking and is sentenced to six years imprisonment. Having reduced dying than a boy he was a feather, the is worth an 'acquittal, but instead insisted that it simply with a few phone calls too much to restore the couple's relationship with his ex, cost him six years in prison. And' This is the "Justice" in this mental hospital in western society.
E the Unmentionable ? was guilty or innocent? Hard to tell, especially when you consider that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to speak of "consent " or "No consensus on " in reference to any explicit sexual activities while under the influence of the buzz, alcohol, and drugs. The fact is that the Unspeakable was a boy, incredibly resembling Luke, who perhaps before had never had any sexual relationship and thus may be likely in the anxious desire and excitement went beyond the permitted into something regrettable. Or could it be that it was absolutely innocent and blameless: after all the evidence against him was less than zero. But beyond all that is innocent or guilty, the Unnamable was sentenced to death by this perverse Company from this evil and ruthless Company che dapprima esalta e idolatra ogni esibizione e oscenità sessuale e poi, ipocritamente, si accanisce istericamente contro eventuali autori di reati sessuali. La pena, sia quella giudiziaria che quella sociale e morale, era stata , quindi, così brutalmente eccessiva e sproporzionata rispetto all'eventuale deprecabile azione commessa, che in cuor suo,l'Innominabile, non sentiva altra scelta che quella di ammazzarsi per porre fino allo strazio. Una fine che per certi versi ricorderà quella di Luca. Se non fosse stato per le storie diverse, si potrebbe dire che Luca e l'Innominabile siano la stessa persona. E lo sono, ma in due universi paralleli.
In Parlamento, intanto, è the law was passed Selen - Calderoli - Cicciolina that provides for life imprisonment for rapists with 41 a more castration and their disqualification from hospitals, cemeteries, funerals and ban against them .
Meanwhile Nicolas , served his sentence in full, he returned to Bucharest. Here, gathered all his relatives and friends, ask them, beg, do not ever dream of setting foot in Italy. Seeing their perplexity and disappointment, the grim picture that comes to mind, in prison, that 'Unspeakable boy lifeless on the stretcher, and then, swallowing as if he was swallowing nails, and eyes full of tears, turned to them, saying
"Better to live here in the vicinity of a sewer, but free and redeemed, in which the rich and clean Galera open to Western society. "
This is a story invented by me, however, that faithfully reflects the moral and social characteristics of this company. Any reference to any facts that happened in reality, is considered a pure coincidence.