Thursday, July 9, 2009

West Elm Sales Salary

The new blog

Questo blog si è trasferito definitivamente al seguente:

Saluti militanti


Friday, July 3, 2009

Cipralex And Perimenopause

They raped Swine Fever

Un tempo, quando nella società vi era ancora un briciolo di razionalità e buon senso, di fronte a qualche evento strampalato, giustamente si esclamava: " Roba dell'altro mond o". Oggi invece si dovrebbe dire: " Roba di questo mondo ":

VENEZIA (25 giugno) - È durata 12 ore la "caccia" tra Venezia e Roma ad una turista americana sospetta di essere stata contagiata dalla nuova influenza. Mentre era nella città lagunare la donna sarebbe andata in ospedale perché non stava bene. Dopo le prime analisi fatte dai sanitari per la nuova influenza la donna si è però allontanata senza attendere l'esito del secondo controllo ........Oltre al treno controllato a Prato, un altro convoglio, anche questo diretto Roma, è stato fermato alla stazio Aggiungi immagine ne di Orte e a bordo sono saliti agenti e personale sanitario. I controlli, anche in questo caso, hanno dato esito negativo. Trovata in un albergo di Roma. Hanno alloggiato in un hotel romano madre e figlia americane go away from the hospital in Venice without waiting for the final say on the influence of the test and that yesterday had begun hunting suspected transient ..... then the test that revealed the presence of the H1N1 influenza virus ..... The new influence, in fact, not one of the diseases that may require medical treatment required .....
(Source: The Gazzettino. it )

more clearly than that, it muore.Una person, rich and not strictly non-EU , but Yankee, with a suspected Influenza A, namely contagious disease of which the WHO has officially declared a diffusion-type pandemic, is left safely leave the hospital and going to spread viruses left and right throughout Italy, traveling on trains, walking and coughing in crowded streets and who knows what else yet, without that someone has bothered to put it in isolation prior therapy. Yet there was no outrage by the media, politics and popular. No politician and no one of those two-bit babbler moralists raging on TV and newspapers, called for special laws and decrees " crackdowns " against these laws such as criminal negligence and bureaucratic against public health. And besides, as would one expect such a thing? Mica this person was suspected of rape? No, it was not even because, as we saw, was a woman, and as we know women do not have a penis, so they can not "raping". Never let it be this person had been a "rapist", but strictly from healthy virus H1N1. In that case, so that there would be danger to health (mental, of course) of the herds of cattle Italioti, and therefore the prevention and isolation would be triggered lightning with a good preventive detention-like the mafia, as required by Decree Anti-rape. Instead, for popular sentiment, that a rich American girl, spoiled and petulant, with her mother, instead wait for the results of the test flu, she has gone to have a good time in different cities, infecting who knows how many people (who in turn then infect other people, and these in turn infect still other people, triggering a beautiful chain reaction), obviously should not be some kind rischio.Non because there is no fear of this terrible potential influence. But because in Italy, apparently there are more problems of a probable or insidious epidemia.Come you know, in Italy, there is the 'Emergency Rapes ", think a little . Since three or four months ago, the tabloid magazine -that is, the so-called -Tg and newspapers have spoken and straparlato of two or three suspected cases of sexual violence with a sensational unprecedented terrorism, the paranoid nightmare is over for this spectrum spread among the people, just like a virus, from mouth to mouth and mind to mind, to beat his sleep and distinguish his vulgar way of thinking and judging. So that this Western society as pleasure seeking, hedonistic and subservient to vulgar exhibitionism of each sex, then, as if nothing had happened, hypocritical and illogical, a test so irrational fear and hatred against what it precisely con suo comportamento ne è la causa, cioè contro gli "illeciti sessuali "(quelli veri e quelli immaginari creati ad arte da certe strampalate sentenze), al punto che ormai la parola "Stupro" ha assunto il significato stesso del Male Assoluto, che evoca quindi nelle menti manipolate della Massa Popolare, terribili e sconvolgenti scenari apocalittici, contro cui, quasi, si dovrebbe ricorrere al trascendentale per porvi rimedio. M igliaia e migliaia di anni fa è avvenuto il Diluvio Universale? Sì, ma c'è lo Stupro. Alcune migliaia di anni dopo, le orde di Gengis Khan e Attila, rispettivamente in Asia e in Europa, hanno sterminato milioni di persone? Sì, but there is rape. A thousand years after that, precisely in a fierce epidemic of 1348-50 Black Death wiped out one third of Europe's population? Yes, but there is rape. Several hundred years later still, the American Indians were exterminated by European settlers shot at and smallpox virus? Yes, but there is rape. A hundred years later, came the Second World War and Nazism? Yes, but there is rape. And now that we Fever Porcine, the bird flu, the Vaccara , the greenhouse effect, " Bin Laden ," the scioglimento dei ghiacciai,la prossima fine del mondo, bla .. bla . Embè ? C'è lo Stupro. Vade Retro.
Perchè , quindi,ci si deve preoccupare per il rischio di una pur pericolosissima epidemia di aggressiva Influenza, quando invece su di noi incombe la terribile Piaga dello Stupro? Pensate un , che di fronte a quest' ultima, si è sentito in dovere di intervenire finanche il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano , che dall'alto della sua carica ha tuonato contro "l 'infamia " of rape. With all due respect to all those who are victims of different (and actually more severe) from being raped and then, in respect of whom have not had the consolation of hearing issued a 'Presidential similar invective. But tant 'is. The populace's fear of rape, and basta.Accecato stuprazionista from this delusion, the mass of the people want blood, jail dramatically, knives, forks, tongs and curses against the eternal stupratori.Vuole be calmed. This' ultimate goal we thought Papi and its many-whores in dresses more or less institutionalized-that have made this Decree Anti Rapes dealing with those accused of rape in the same way the Mafia e peggio degli assassini(Carcere Preventivo, soppressione della Gozzini ) e con consequenziale aumento delle già di per se assurde e sproporzionate pene previste per questo reato.
Ecco, perchè , quindi, a questa società non fa paura la giovane Untorella americana che ci cosparge di pericolosi virus H1N1. Perchè ha ben altro di più grave contro cui combattere. Cioè contro gli "stupratori", quelli veri, quelli presunti, quelli falsi, quelli immaginari. Questa società non è tranquilla se non vede loro marcire in galera per tutta la vita e torturati dagli altri detenuti,come purtroppo effettivamente accade. E' disposta,quindi, pure a subire an 'epidemic of swine flu, but that there is even a small chance that a person accused of rape-even if only suspect has not yet been convicted-will put his nose out of jail, even if just for one day, no, this no, it is not prepared. We saw a few months ago, with the popular and media hysteria accompanied by real statements from civil war, When, the alleged author of the equally alleged "Rape New Year", was put under house arrest. All hell broke loose. The populace was dying from anger, rage and terror. Fortunately, as mentioned before, we thought immediately Papi and with him, his prostitutes presidential as well as the various Domenica In, the many Barbare D 'Urso , and squads of Nazi and Ronde Lega . And so, finally, we are all more relaxed and happy. We have established that a person accused of non-consensual sexual advances, should be required to go to jail (and even prohibited the arrest), even before it established his guilt or innocence, and if convicted, most of his stay life, with no discounts and the terrorist violence of other inmates who broke out against him, and all mothers and infanticide-foot free-are rigorously interviewed, all beautiful made-up, Open Studio, and while aspiring Untouchable-like said before-are free to walk the streets and traveling on trains. So it has been established. Tiè .
a company (or rather, a part of it) that does not pay to have turned sexuality into a trivial and obscene form of immorality and exhibitionism, nothing less then the courage to rage with hysterical violence against any perpetrators of theft sex, failing, for example, to discern the difference that exists-in terms of collective-hazard between a person accused of established a non-consensual sexual intercourse (action, however reprehensible that order always) and that instead it going to infect the area with a high risk of causing by a catastrophic epidemic, or chess, which takes away the life of an 'other person (ie murder), it deserves no consideration because clearly has lost all forms of morality and sense of proportion should simply re-educated then. But how, then? There is much to be optimistic. In fact, in the culmination of the period of collective psychosis on the "Emergency Rapes," the earth shook in Abruzzo, destroying a 'whole province and causing thousands of deaths, injuries and displaced persons in deep sorrow for what had happened, drew at least hope that the populace and its politicians have finally figured out what it was a real Emergency and that they had learned to distinguish it from false emergencies. Vain hope, unfortunately. This mob teledrogata Domenica In and Veline, does not really understand anything. At this point, so it can be concluded that more than anyone to shake should a catastrophic event of a global dimension, for example-remain resumed a topic with which we opened this article-a pretty aggressive flu epidemic, the one with the flakes, maybe a 'bird flu or like that of 1918-20 (the "English"). Perhaps in that case many people would start to give himself a shake and realize that you can not live alone and cried rape, maybe someone would begin to make serious in its shaped little head, that there are no other than rape, physical violence and psychological well-especially more and more serious.
But at what price, then.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Poptropica Letters To Creators

new Blog. New air

I turn to you readers of this blog, but very few aficionados. It 'time to blow a little wind of renewal in this blog. Something will change, and this needs to happen, if only to insert new elements such as to allow this blog to interact and establish itself more effectively and decisively with the reality to be analyzed. What are the things that will change ? First change the ' URL of the blog, that is, the blog will be transferred to another address: " SonoAttila " no longer good, " Attila" is the nickname that I climax they hitch, since the children ', my friends and acquaintances because of my hardness and irreducibility, which is why I decided to call in this way, my blog, a blog that was supposed to reflect-both in name and in content-my personality, and therefore should have been only and only serve to externalize my thoughts and personal considerations. If not that, after a few months, when the visits to my blog began to grow slightly, These ideas began to hit more than anyone, given the unusual aggression and biting irony with which I expressed, and the spirit extremely controversial and unconventional for the analysis (and analyzed) certain issues. So it was that in the presence of an initial small core of readers, I began to realize that if I wanted to take on a number of people up as much as possible, I would have to make changes to how the blog should have been put with the ' external disappeared, then, those personal considerations which might be inessential elements in the debate and completely counterproductive to the cause that I should plead. Concatenatamente this, therefore, also changed the style of language and the tone in which they were woven the originating blog post. No more words contained markedly strong and aggressive, which not only weaken the arguments would have risked away a number of more sensitive and susceptible, but the words and tone more sober and effective at the same time. And so, therefore, set this decline, including continued reports of censorship and threats by groups of female -Nazi and public praise by leading activists, the blog has come as it is now, with its intact original setting hard and ironic, but at the same time accompanied by a high degree of impartiality and scrupolosità di analisi, il che contribuisce a renderlo di un certo spessore-data anche la continua pubblicazione di suoi post su vari siti, blog e forum sparsi sulla rete-seppure visitato molto esiguamente , causa l'estrema selettività e severità dell' algoritmo di Rank del motore di ricerca di Google.

Di cambiamenti, parlavamo.Vediamo. Anche la piattaforma dei contenuti del blog cambierà, ma non eccessivamente . Cioè se fino ad ora in questo blog, certe tematiche sulla Questione Maschile avevano monopolizzato-anche se non esclusivizzato -gli argomenti di discussione, nel nuovo blog invece assumeranno una connotazione leggermente meno caratteristica, in modo tale da liberare un di spazio anche ad altre tematiche per rendere così il blog meno monotematico e più eterogeneo. Ma l'eterogeneità dei contenuti non sarà finalizzata tanto ad un cambiamento di esteriorità quanto invece ad una maggiore efficacia nell'esaminare a fondo gli aspetti in questione. Ciò perchè nel trattare un determinato aspetto, necessariamente vanno valutate e analizzate altri aspetti eventualmente connessi ad esso-anche se apparentemente sconnessi- e che quindi possono agire alla base dell' ingenerazione dell'aspetto in questione. Contrariamente si rischierebbe to give it a key superficial, distorted and completely taken out of context, finishing, therefore, to complement and amalgamate with the contexts and issues in clear and complete contrast to it, and lead, then , a grotesque oxymorons conceptual and denominational For example, we have unfortunately-as-Leaguers who say they are also anti-feminist, which-by analogy-is like a Nazi who declares himself an activist of Human Rights. An 'absurd contradiction in terms, then.
addition, then, given the many eccentric my visions, the result of my spirit distinctly Anarchist and Anti-System is likely, and it is normal-that, in addressing a wider range of subjects and themes, some of you readers may not share some of my hard analysis and views, so in that case, I do not want, but rather, try to at least appreciate the sincerity and genuineness , while in those many things that certainly will share, you'll try a small form of collaboration , as I will explain in a few the next line.

address the issue of blog content, let us instead organizational aspect. Dear friends, you need to know that with this blog, I am in effect a voluntary , because I am free, re-education through intellectual and moral, to snatch as many people as possible the driver via the mass idiot teledrogata del Popolo. Work hard, if not impossible, given the immense stupidity of most people. So, to achieve at least a shred of what I propose, it takes time and resources. But I have neither resources nor time: I do not have resources, because, as mentioned earlier, by voluntary act, that is what I do because it's completely free pushed by my Love for Humanity and for the Truth, and then I get no funding (except for those few euro I should be getting every "blue moon" by advertising on Google Adsense ) nor voluntary, nor state, in contrast, however, to all those "associations onlus " truth-in, real-lobby that prate of "rapes" and "pedophilia", "violence against women" and so on . But besides not having the resources, I have not time. Are taken from the commitments and the common problems of everyday life, and what little time I have left, I try to treat and upgrade my blog. Therefore, dear friends, I tell you, some of you are willing to give me some help from time to time, for example by sending necessary materials and writing the actual post to be published, certainly the blog will grow and strengthen, and indeed , a blog written by several people, provided subject to my "editorial line" would be ideal to build a portal counter, as well as I hoped for some time. For this reason, expect from you at least a basic form of collaboration , always, however, depending on your means. Otherwise, though, if you simply want to limit yourself to read it, go ahead, but settle for an average of 3 post per month. Moreover, by itself, can not do. Sorry.

From now on, my official name is Icarus .10, which is the nick with which they are registered on various forums, including that of Uomini3000 . And with this name will always signed my articles and contributions, both on this blog and elsewhere.

The link of the blog changed you will be shown when completed will be responsible for the technical procedures, as well as organizational aspects more important.
Regards militants

Icarus .10

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poptropica How Do You Get A Gun In Your Hand

Vellum, ergo Feminist

The outcry provoked, in recent times, the direct and warm friendship and esteem that the premier Silvio Berlusconi had against various tissues and showgirl, has violently awakened the long-standing and monotonous as feminist polemic about the alleged " commodification of the female body by of machismo." The tests which are lifted out of newspapers, magazines and TV not have done no more than follow the typical litany feminists, who promptly are recited each time it comes to women and their bodies. In the storm of controversy that followed, ended up in the 'eye of the storm was the world of showgirls and starlets Besides the previous prime minister. A latter 'the political world (starting with the PD of that gentleman doormat Franceschini ) and print, have opposed the figure of' now ex-wife Berlusconi , Veronica Lario, clothed with that patina of morality and spirituality in order to consolidate itself already established and entrenched stereotypes and perpetuates the romantic novel and intrinsic innocence and " immaculate " the figure of the woman-wife-mother faces-again according to that stereotype-all 'incompetence and immorality of' man-husband-father. All in perfect harmony with the Male-Bashing raging everywhere, by virtue of institutional orders. Nothing new then. Too bad that no one has instead identified the profound unfairness of Ms. Lario, che di fronte a problemi coniugali e intimi con il marito, anzichè esporli privatamente ad un avvocato matrimonialista, ne ha fatto, invece, un caso di dominio pubblico andando a strombazzarli e a sbandierarli su quotidiani e tv , trasformando quindi i problemi familiari in un osceno teatrino a base di pettegolezzi, gossip e colpi bassi. Quindi se Berlusconi behaved in an irresponsible manner, and on this there is no doubt his now ex-wife has behaved infinitely worse, even considering the fact that this' latest is not new to these things, For example, when a few years ago and sent it did publish a letter from the Republic in which he criticized the behavior of her husband on matters not some private policies. In short, the necklace has it and the desire of the mass media and political propaganda to manipulate these events to throw discredit on the male figure, too. But tant 'is. Returning
the question of 'exposure of the female body, of this problem in this blog we have already extensively discussed and debated. But it would be useful, once and for all make a detailed and accurate schematic -like a hand-and that well sums up all the considerations made by me long ago around the question of 'exposure of the female body and its presumed connection with an equally alleged sexism:

1) Women, as human beings, are capable of discernment, and are therefore in no position to decide independently whether to accept or oppose a given situation. They have a brain responsible for this function.

2) So if some women do go to the tissues or the like, such as making resume and photograph nude or seminude, this is because , of \u200b\u200bcourse, they agreed individually to do so, simply because they like to do so. No "male" or "father-master" obliges them to, even from many quarters, within the male-dominated, the constant and growing exposure of the female body is called "c ulture della troiaggine ".

3)Quindi, il tanto urlato e quanto inesistente "maschilismo" non c'entra nulla con il fenomeno della "mercificazione del corpo femminile". Nessun "padre-padrone" e "patriarcale", del resto, oserebbe mai pretendere che la figlia vada a fare la velina o comunque a " smutandarsi " fuori di casa. Facciamo un esempio: se-come spesso accade- certe studentesse universitarie si fanno fotografare nude, e poi lasciano disclose such photographs to the press, this is not because some teacher "macho" asked or forced them to do so, but on the contrary is because their own initiative, not caring and making a mockery of morality and decency, and the disappointment and anger of their parents and boyfriends, laughing shamelessly to show their body, perhaps hoping to gain fame, success and denaro.La patriarchal culture and macho , however, has always promoted and advocated a 'distinctly modest and chaste image of the female figure. Instead of feminism and of women and that has always claimed the right to flaunt sexuality femminile.Quindi the assertion that the commodification of the female body is supposed to be attributed to society "patriarchal and sexist" is a lie, among many.

4) Downstream of the three points, we observe an 'intolerable contradiction in invective femministoidi . In fact, if, for example, fosters and encourages' s performance of the female body (as does Berlusconi and most of the Western male) you are labeled as "machismo" because to say feminists would spread the image of "woman-object." If on the contrary, however, we oppose this ostentation of the female body, the same is considered "masculine" because means of stesse femministe, si opprimerebbe la libertà sessuale delle donne. Ma si può sapere, quindi, quando si ha che fare con il maschilismo?Purtroppo questa contraddizione può essere spiegata solo si tiene presente che quando la menzogna fatta dogma attraverso la manipolazione mentale, fa dire tutto e il contrario di tutto a seconda della circostanza del momento in questione e senza che nessuno tra le persone manipolate ravvisi tale mostruosa contraddizione. Questa è la sola ed unica spiegazione.

5) Quindi è proprio è soprattutto al femminismo che va addebitato il velinismo and all forms of vulgar and vulgar representation of the female body. Feminism, as destructive and immoral culture, has always been criminalized and attacked the female sexual values \u200b\u200bof sobriety, of composure in the way of dressing, of marital fidelity and so on. And the much-publicized and claimed "women's sexual freedom " so dear to feminism, this is precisely consisted : oppose any moral barrier on sex, shame, and the family, that is to do "what they want and like women, even at the expense of others. In short, a concept of freedom, meaning " Berlusconi " della sua accezione. La logica della Jungla , quindi.

6) Appurato, quindi, nella maniera più oggettiva, di come sia proprio il femminismo la causa di tutto ciò,è facile comprendere anche il perchè di tutta questa ampia critica,da parte dei movimenti femminili, nei confronti "mercificazione del corpo femminile". Questo perchè ciò is only a pretext to conceal rather the understandable resentment and envy of many women to the tissue and the like on which millions of men's eyes are a tasty bet. And certainly not a negative view of such behavior and dress, because as we said before, it is the feminist (and with them, part of all other women) to go as the scantily clad showgirls, and complaints and claiming that their "right" against " male oppression." Except then give him a 'once more to the "machismo" if, instead, to the contrary , this exhibition of the female body is encouraged by some male.

7) The claim that the opposition against the velino be ascribed to the fact that this television and magazines would make a 'one-sided and distorted image of women, not is not to be taken account because fraudulent and deceitful. In this miserable excuse can be answered in this way, but the feminists and all women who are dressed in a succinct, alternative image of women as compared to the damage that the tissue damage? The foreground image of that woman's ass "i ndipendente , impegnata,coraggiosa,sorprendente,rivoluzionaria, intelligente, generosa,essenziale e indomabile " che compare in primo piano sul quotidiano femminista dell Unità, quale immagine alternativa dà rispetto a quella offerta da una carfagna qualunque o comunque da tutte quellle donne(offesa di tante donne per bene) che ottengono successo e carriera attraverso la seduzione e il ricatto sessuale? Quello delle veline non è, forse, how to dress and behave much claimed and defended by feminism, applied to the world of Mass Media?
Anyway, you do not understand the difference between publicly exhibit her body to strangers in the life of Tuti day, and that rather than produce it through television and magazines: We suggest that men's eyes are upon them, in 'one of those cases. Therefore, the substance does not change.

8) Then the tissues and, in general, all those who display their bodies in TV and magazines, are by no means an 'insult to women-as by many repeats continuation-in because, in contrast, are, however, account for a substantial part 's female population, as well as Berlusconi with its taste exposure of the female body is representative Unfortunately, a large proportion of the male world, unfortunately.

9) The fact-that-unfortunately true for most men like the exposure of the female body, can not and should not serve as a justification or excuse for many women to dress and behave in such immoral and obscene. Indeed, since that both envy antimaschile oozes from feminist slogans, it should be an incentive not to expose so strongly with their bodily eyes of those males that both criticize and attack. Instead, no. Continues with impunity and claim angrily to dress this way, and then we can see that the problem is something else, that obviously can not do without, because is their way of expressing their false emancipation, to get compliments and successes of people back into society to keep subjugated hormones male sex. This is called sadism, opportunism, cynicism as well as immorality, immorality and debauchery.

10) In conclusion, therefore, the question of " velino" and the "commodification of the female body is a problem entirely within the world of women who, then, and only only women should consider -if-appropriate address and resolve, and therefore it is absolutely dishonest to bring up to alleged "sexism" of today's society. Women (and men) need to understand that freedom does not mean doing what you want, but at contrary, be free to act with respect to the subject against the most elementary rules of civilized coexistence because what distinguishes and differentiates humans from animals is the Reason, and Reason requires, among other things even to stick to the sense of decency and modesty as befits every human being, and therefore go unclothed or with the parties and intimate erogenous discovered in plain view or through tight clothes, and Best and those women (and men ) going clothes (and clothes) in this way, simply behave like beasts. If, then in spite of the constitutional laws and penalties on the "morality" many women feel entitled to show their body unworthily, to do well, but please learn to undertake the responsibility and accept the consequences, without cry against a 'non-existent "machismo" and to stop once and for continuously to shift all the blame on men, to cover and hide their failures and mistakes. Women are human beings, and then, with the same dignity, rights and duties of men, and not puppets or divine creatures immune to mistakes and free of duties. It would be good feminists and the like are remembered forever.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where Do You Buy Tech Deck Trucks

Life in a prison open

Luana : On 30 years. Used, large cocaine and clubbers, spends his weekend to have sex with casual partners in dancing.
Luca : Out of 25 years. Student, docile and quiet, but a little nervous. Minute and delicate.
The Unmentionable: Non Nominabile.E 'the authentic version of Luke. E 'Luke, but as in a parallel universe.
Nicolas : Out of 25 years. Roma ethnic group, and poor fields with occasional alms obtained by playing the accordion in bus and subway .

Act II
Luana : After a night of Carnival in the disco passed between alcohol, pills and sex with more guys, go to the police station, declaring that he was "raped by a pack . However, only declares a name of the alleged rapists, the 'Unmentionable.
The Unmentionable : an unpronounceable name, because the crime he is accused, that the "sexual violence", that this society, absurd and hypocritical, do not consider it a 'violent action like all other violent actions of this world, but as something out of this world, in short comeun something transcendental. The Unnamable, unfortunately, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, because until then had never been in a nightclub and he felt compelled to go because Urges by fellow academics.
Luke: Maybe because looks a little " wrong" a woman who mocks him for his appearance a bit clumsy and "intellectual" is studded with punches and kicks from her boyfriend, a big man up a 105 and ninety pounds. Only the intervention of some passers-by avoiding a sure execution. Luke ends up in hospital with broken bones and ribs. Meanwhile quella donna elogia il suo "moroso", abbracciandolo, in quanto tutto orgogliosa del suo " principe azzurro " che con grande "f orza e coraggio " ha vendicato lo " sgarro " di Luca nei suoi confronti.
Nicolas : Mentre si trova in bus a chiedere qualche spicciolo, viene arrestato dagli agenti sollecitati da signore e signorine scollate, perizomate e con Novella 2000 in mano.

Atto III
Luana : Sporta la denuncia, i carabinieri chiamano rinforzi e si avventano nella casa del ragazzo denunciato,l'Innominabile, to drag in prison. All newspapers and TV news for days, spend most of their news this story of the girl raped in nightclub ", speaking of" emergency "in tones of war civile.Nei following days, politicians of all sides, in the name of girl raped in nightclub ", are competing to see who offers the most ruthless and repressive laws, and, in spite of the well known slow parliament, in record time, special orders are approved law on rape

Luca : During her hospital stay, his family make complaints in respect of 'aggressor. Agents collect in the complaint, very coldly tell them to contact a lawyer and from there, if they have money and time to establish a judicial procedure. Meanwhile, the aggressor, though reached by a community of police, is not subject to any restrictive measure and still safely and without worries his life based on body building , sex drive, and fights in defense of his " Princess. "

Nicolas : In the barracks is slapped, punched and kicked in the belly. No matter the crime, it much less whether he is guilty or innocent. It 's a Roma and that is enough.

Atto IV
Luana : Viene intervistata dai più importanti quotidiani e telegiornali, dove si esibisce con faccia spavalda e vendicativa in invettive e dichiara di voler uccidere con le sue mani il ragazzo da lei accusato, l'Innominabile. Tutti la applaudono e la elogiano. Il Popolo Bue-Sovrano sta dalla sua parte nei propositi omicidi.

L'Innominabile :Intanto,in carcere viene picchiato dai secondini, e benche messo in isolamento, viene torturato e sodomizzato dagli altri detenuti(incarcerati per reati non sessuali).

Luca : The poor man, just released from 'hospital, all battered by the severe injuries suffered, along with his parents try to find a good lawyer to file a complaint, but can not afford spending so onerous, he is forced to rely on a mediocre lawyer. Meanwhile, he bought a suoaggressore bell'abbonamento a Park of Love ', that is, those much-desired by private car-leaguers where couples can go for the filthy quietly "to protect sexual predators" [ sic].

Nicolas : Pass the time in jail in complete anomimato and contempt. Nobody knows anything about him, and he does not know or does not include the crime of which he is charged. Unfortunately, knows little of the Italian language and his lawyer-a little more than a boy-and early experiences did not provide many details about the crime he is accused, but prefers to focus on "extenuating circumstances". One day, Nicolas see that a group of prisoners drag a detainee into a corner and immediately began to take a beating and sodomizing. Seeing this, the Roma, all filled with anger and outrage, calling the guards shouting, which act to free the victim and took her to a 'cell other more isolated, but not without first giving him an extra ration of beatings. This held just saved from being lynched is the Unspeakable, the alleged rapist Luana .

Act V
Luana : During the investigation, she will feature several versions and all contradictory to each other, especially now begin to say that she was not raped by more than five people as he had stated in the original complaint, but by two, then a few days later, he would declare that she was raped by one person. But despite these continuing discrepancy between their version and retractions, the magistrates will set up in record time trial of 'the accused, which, of course, can not produce any evidence in mitigation as there is no objective evidence to determine whether sex was consensual or not. But the law has only the statement of the woman who claims she was raped. It is enough. The PM ask 25 years' imprisonment for the defendant.

Luke: His lawyer, of course, to try to strengthen the prosecution's, ask him to present any testimony, which obviously poor Luke has that day because there was no way anyone who knew and therefore could witness for his cause. Instead, the attacker "will manufacture the" many witnesses by asking his friends to testify on his behalf.

Nicolas : The PM calls against him a sentence of seven years' imprisonment for minor offenses of common law and that he even knows he is accused. He is very respectful and obedient towards the guards and strives with humanity and affection to other prisoners in need. It also tries to protest strongly to the prison director to ask for more guarantees for the unmentionable, but his lawyer to stop this from the could backfire against as an "aggravating" judicial gli intima più volte di desistere da questo scopo. Ma Nicolas non ne vuole sapere nulla perchè non si dà pace nel vedere un detenuto trattato in quel modo.

Atto VI
Luana e l'Innominabile : I giudici e la giuria popolare accolgono la richiesta dell' accusa.L'Innomminabile è condannato a 20 anni di reclusione. Il mondo politico, la stampa e l'opinione pubblica, benchè soddisfatti della condanna, auspicano in futuro pene ben più alte, e in tal proposito vengono presentate in parlamento varie proposte di legge. Intanto Unnamable starts for a real ordeal. Like all inmates to sexual violence, will serve his sentence until the last day, without hope of discounts, even if seriously ill, will never use, even temporarily, of arrest or license premium, in short, as ordered for rape is the most basic benefits of private prisons (Law Gozzini ) which also held for murder and slaughter may, however, use . And even though if after these 20 years, including abuse and attempts to lynch the other prisoners, were to survive when released from prison he will take over the social death avoided because and drive by everyone, including his family. In short, a requirement of survival with death: it is called Inferno .

Luca : After no less than 2 years of appeals and postponements, we finally arrived in a judicial proceeding. Though missing witnesses, medical reports are clear and overwhelming. The 'big man offender is sentenced at first instance only 5 months' imprisonment, of course fully condoned by the conditional' pardon. He almost suffered the sentence does not even know [so to speak]. Meanwhile his wife is more proud of him.

Nicolas : Viene condannato a 5 anni. Gli è andata bene, in fondo. E' pur sempre un "subumano". Dalla cella, Nicolas aspetta con pazienza ansiosa che passino questi maledetti 5 anni. Passati i quali, ha intenzione di ritornarsene in Romania per mai stare più nell' Inferno-Italia.

Atto VII
Luana : Nel frattempo il suo comune di residenza che in processo si era costituito Parte Civile, ogni estate gli paga una bella vacanza in Jamaica . Intanto viene anche candidata nelle liste di un partito political and elected Members; also writes books which talks about her alleged experience of "rape" that reveal true best seller . In parliament strives so be approved a law allowing women to go naked in public places and that subsidies cost the faithless wives.

Luca : A subsequent trial will implement definitely the aggressor. The wrong look his woman depicted as a "visual nuisance ", hence the "legitimate" intervention of his partners. Luke is depressed, discouraged and severed all social contact.

Nicolas and the Unmentionable One day, Nicolas see some nurses and guards that take away on a stretcher with a prisoner lying lifeless. The instantly recognizable, is the Unspeakable: hanged himself because tired of the ongoing violence and harassment by other inmates because without hope for a conviction without end and because aware that before him lay ahead a perpetual torment, from which only death could free him physically. May Peace be upon him. Meanwhile the body of 'Unspeakable can not even be buried in its cemetery because the inhabitants of his country are almost a revolt so that the "maniac" is not buried deep in their dead, and even come to attack the priest who was "allowed" to bless salma.Intanto in prison, the detainees to celebrate the suicide of "pork rapist", but Nicolas shocked by this macabre uproar, turned and retreated to his cell, his body without Unspeakable life still imprinted in his mind, he kneels and makes a preghiera per l'Innominabile e per tutte le persone sole che soffrono perchè scacciate dalla società, i cosiddetti "scarti umani".

Qualche anno dopo

Luca , triste, solo e umiliato, morirà investito da un auto. Un incidente, o, forse, un suicidio. Forse.
Intanto il suo aggressore, l'omone, essendo stato mollato dalla sua donna che nel frattempo si è invaghita di un uomo ancora " più figo e Romantic "him, in 'insist on restoring the relationship with her, he will end up in jail for stalking and is sentenced to six years imprisonment. Having reduced dying than a boy he was a feather, the is worth an 'acquittal, but instead insisted that it simply with a few phone calls too much to restore the couple's relationship with his ex, cost him six years in prison. And' This is the "Justice" in this mental hospital in western society.
E the Unmentionable ? was guilty or innocent? Hard to tell, especially when you consider that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to speak of "consent " or "No consensus on " in reference to any explicit sexual activities while under the influence of the buzz, alcohol, and drugs. The fact is that the Unspeakable was a boy, incredibly resembling Luke, who perhaps before had never had any sexual relationship and thus may be likely in the anxious desire and excitement went beyond the permitted into something regrettable. Or could it be that it was absolutely innocent and blameless: after all the evidence against him was less than zero. But beyond all that is innocent or guilty, the Unnamable was sentenced to death by this perverse Company from this evil and ruthless Company che dapprima esalta e idolatra ogni esibizione e oscenità sessuale e poi, ipocritamente, si accanisce istericamente contro eventuali autori di reati sessuali. La pena, sia quella giudiziaria che quella sociale e morale, era stata , quindi, così brutalmente eccessiva e sproporzionata rispetto all'eventuale deprecabile azione commessa, che in cuor suo,l'Innominabile, non sentiva altra scelta che quella di ammazzarsi per porre fino allo strazio. Una fine che per certi versi ricorderà quella di Luca. Se non fosse stato per le storie diverse, si potrebbe dire che Luca e l'Innominabile siano la stessa persona. E lo sono, ma in due universi paralleli.

In Parlamento, intanto, è the law was passed Selen - Calderoli - Cicciolina that provides for life imprisonment for rapists with 41 a more castration and their disqualification from hospitals, cemeteries, funerals and ban against them .

Meanwhile Nicolas , served his sentence in full, he returned to Bucharest. Here, gathered all his relatives and friends, ask them, beg, do not ever dream of setting foot in Italy. Seeing their perplexity and disappointment, the grim picture that comes to mind, in prison, that 'Unspeakable boy lifeless on the stretcher, and then, swallowing as if he was swallowing nails, and eyes full of tears, turned to them, saying

"Better to live here in the vicinity of a sewer, but free and redeemed, in which the rich and clean Galera open to Western society. "


This is a story invented by me, however, that faithfully reflects the moral and social characteristics of this company. Any reference to any facts that happened in reality, is considered a pure coincidence.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wont Turn Over Waverunner

Human Rights seconds Tits & Butts

These days the bodies of "information" has raised a lot of outrage over the death sentence Delara Darabi, 23 year old Iranian girl convicted and confessed to a murder . Those who know my blog knows what horror I feel towards the death penalty and how to appreciate every effort made to eliminate this pain, I can not prove, however, also welcomed the outrage when a death sentence is prompted by motives purely Instrumental and ideological. Why so it was in the case of Delara Darabi ; condemnation and indignation at his execution, in fact, was caused not so much for the ' curse of the death penalty in and if neither both the young age of the person executed, since, however, for the country which took place this execution ( Iran), and especially the sex of the person ended up under the gallows, just the female. Just the same days when he was executed Delara, still in Iran, a boy nearly her same age was stoned to death for having committed an action that in our country is not a crime, but rather is considered a 'meritorious work, especially if accomplish it are women: adultery . Yet there was quell'indignazione instead that accompanied the execution of Delara Darabi , almost never told about it (except for the Corriere della Sera that obviously has to prepare the ' public review for a possible war against Iran). And also in the world, to begin by the U.S., kids are constantly being executed for crimes committed by minors and just here in Europe, in recent times, in 1976, a French boy of just 20 years, Christian Ranucci, accused of murder was beheaded by guillotine in Marseille by the order of the President France, Giscard D 'Estaing it, and there were protests and indignation, but rather with the full approval of' review pubblica.Il because of this unequal treatment when they end up on the scaffold is a human male is obviously to be found in typical Western conception of the woman whose life is considered of greater value than that of men (" first children and women," they say). And indeed, on the implementation of Delara you can not help but notice how newspapers and TV the name of this girl is always preceded by 'attribute of art "painter" and, almost mai seguito dal reato per cui è stata condannata(*), quasi a voler maggiormente instillare nell' opinione pubblica la leggenda metropolitana femminista secondo cui nel mondo le donne vengono giudicate per il loro essere donne e non per azioni commesse(quando invece sappiamo che sia in Iran che in tutto il mondo, la stragrande maggioranza di coloro che finiscono in carcere o al patibolo sono maschi). 
Inoltre provate a immaginare se al posto di Delara Darabi, fosse  stato giustiziato magari dopo essere stato orrendamente seviziato ed evirato-come spesso succede in alcuni Paesi-un suo coetaneo maschio, anche egli pittore,per violenza sessuale, cioè an offense-pace of the people ox-objectively less severe compared to 'murder. Obviously this would not have spoken, or if it was just talk, newspapers, TV and the populace would have been painstaking care and precision in specifying the pathetic offense for which he was sentenced to "rape" - "abuse "-" harassment "- and of course her name and his picture would not have been preceded and accompanied by the title of" painter ", but Tutt 'nothing but kind gifts such as" monster rapist "," ogre "" predator "," maniac "and many other pathetic terms and neologisms which is peppered with the vocabulary of the people ox, endorsing such an execution as a model to be imported into our legal system (and in part has already been imported) Giacchè our parts for rapists are clamoring for the same methods and punishments are used in tribal or were still in arrears, including long and disproportionate sentences, death sentences after limbs or boiling in cauldrons and castrations, in full accordance with the horrendous "recipe Calderoli" to cut ... the penis "without even sterilize the knife."

As you can see, have nothing to do human rights with the execution of this clamor for this Iranian girl, in fact the people are angered by the complaints and violations of human rights only when necessary to defend groups like states and governments to discredit or unwelcome, but quietly against calls whenever we are concerned categories and hated enemy. It 's a habit, this, that has always characterized the stupid mass popolare.Giudicare an' action using different yardsticks, depending on the skin or the sex of this action accomplishes or undergoes, can only be seen as a despicable form of racism.

(*) NOTE: In the days following the execution in newspapers and on TV has begun to glimpse the possibility that to commit murder would be his companion and not she who would have been obliged to confess the murder. Of course, in support of this view there is no proof, but it is only a hypothesis which is very convenient as well suited to the regime's propaganda that Western women are inherently incapable of doing bad and always victims of the system "patriarchal" and "sexist."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cute Card Box Wording


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Opening An Ambulette Service

A look at the Italian political parties.

Forza Nuova : It 's a remake of a clerical post fascism. And 'the movement of "defending the our women and children "(adult males no) and castration of the male genitals of rapists. Instrumental his anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism .

Fiamma tricolore : is a variant less secular and clerical Forza Nuova.

National Right-Tricolour Flame : the Zionist and American variant of the previous two parties.

The Right: At the previous elections was seriously tainted in be represented by femministoide Santanchè .

Northern League : E 'the political movement that best embodies the mood of the people and hysterical forcaioli Ox. It 's a party headed by males and doormats troglodytes whose job is to gratify the desires castrations women of their master Lega . This party seems to be inspired Charles Bronson ( Giutiziere of the night), to Lorena Bobbit (tormentor mutilated penises of humans) and Ku Klux Klan.
PDL : E 'the union of various parties such as Forza Italy, AN, and smaller parties. As the Northern League is a direct expression of the belly of the People Ox, but unlike the League, he prefers to take a face less intolerant, less aggressive and more politically corretto.Per therefore opted for election as a weapon to rake clerical support among Catholic militants. The PDL is the political movement inspired valleys, facial tissues and their fans, of adulterous women, divorced-but-Catholic exhibitionist and love the thong, the worshipers of the U.S. and their atomic bombs. His attachment to the "values" and roots "Christian" can be summed up thus: boobs and crosses, chapel (church) and bums, whores and madonnas tissue, bombardments on civilians, Arabs and laws "in favor of Life." The members of PDL although supporters of the castration of the male genitals of rapists, many prefer not to introduce it in their ordinances for safety "not to frighten the Vatican hierarchy (traditionally hostile to genital mutilation); better life imprisonment and restriction of rights for persons accused and / or convicted of rape (in the face of their much-vaunted "Guarantor") and laws on so-called Stalking (Anglo-Saxon feminist legal abomination). In foreign policy, the motto of PDL seems to be that Israel is Love .

UDC : E ' Pierferdinado Casini. Compliance and respectability. It 's a moderate variant of PDL . Mastella is, however, the variant Ceppaloni 's UDC : Indulgence for the prisoners but lowering of the' age of 14 due to 12 (ie children in jail), kidnappers and murderers to the amnesty but not the rapists.

PD : Unione tra DS , Margherita, e altri partiti minori. Il PD è la più lampante dimostrazione di come tra un originale e una fotocopia, si preferisce scegliere sempre l' originale. Difatti il PD insegue la destra berlusconiana su questioni riguardanti la sicurezza e gli "stupri", senza tuttavia riuscire ad eguagliarla in forcaiolismo ed efferatezza: per questo motivo il popolo bue preferisce la PDL ad una sua pessima fotocopia. 

Radical i: pur essendo federati nel PD, hanno e mantengono una propria autonomy. Excellent with regard to legally guarantee the rights of prisoners, the battle against the death penalty. Bad foreign policy.

Socialist i: in the name has been appropriated illegally by a Marxist term. Capitalists from the "human face" and fervent Atlanticist and Americans. Living expression of the failure of so-called "social democracy".

GREEN: It 's the party safeguarding the broccoli and zucchini. E 'for the use of water, sugar and urine as sources of energy "alternative."

Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(IDV): That is, the party of the right to jail for all. He fights for uguguaglianza of all citizens before the galleys.

Refoundation Communist : E 'anything but communist. And 'the party of the lesbian, trans, feminists of all kinds (ranging from ginarchiche to more "soft " and "democratic"), reed and piercing. Marx, Engels and Lenin would be ashamed to be represented by this party.

PDCI (Italian Communists) : Very good in foreign policy. In domestic policy and social stain hopelessly for their support to the feminist demands.