versus SANTA CLAUS JESUS \u200b\u200b'KID
is coming again this year the Feast of December 25, now known as Christmas commercial-Christian. From the historical point of view the recurrence was associated with the celebration of Christ's divinity preceding centuries: the case of the Babylonian Tammuz and Shamas (3000 BC) and more generally associated with the sun god who came together on the feast Roman, Egyptian and the Syrian Sol Invictus . The association with the rebirth of the sun from the dark winter (even Sol Indiges ) has placed these celebrations around December 22 or 21 just for remembering the winter solstice, the day when, due to the inclination of ' Earth's axis to the ecliptic, the night has a maximum and then decreases cyclically until the summer solstice 20 or June 21, the day on which the daylight hours to have their maximum.
attribute "commercial" instead derives from the fact that, besides being the festival of consumerism par excellence (an outside observer might think that we celebrate the God of Money), the figure of Santa Claus as we know it today (fat, bearded old man dressed in red and white) is actually introduced in the 30's by a successful advertising campaign Coca-Cola.
Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) was in fact a figure derived from the Christian bishop St. Nicholas of Myra which was then reworked by different traditions of Central and North America. In these representations, however, the character acquires a characterization as "wild" and in fact the colors are typical of a long green cloak adorned with fur.
The "Spirit of Christmas" mentioned by Dickens should make us all better, but it is repeated regularly every year a very special phenomenon, in some ways paradoxical and grotesque. As happened in Garlasco in 2008 and in the province of Lecco last year (but also in England a few years ago), during the sermons of the Christmas period some enlightened servant of God takes this opportunity to remind children not present in church on -existence of Santa Claus, causing tears in torrents and mothers affected. The priests more "prepared" explain with the help of simple calculations that the time per capita for each individual child is infinitesimal even without considering the one used by reindeer to pull the sled from one place to another in mondo. Non abbiamo notizia se sia mai stato citato anche il “ Problema del Commesso Viaggiatore “.
Quello che lascia con un misto tra lo sbigottimento e l’indignazione è il fatto che l’infanzia è forse l’unico momento della vita in cui è salutare, poetico e legittimo credere in qualcosa di fantastico e irreale. Quello che lascia invece sbalorditi è che una tale cattiveria gratuita venga amministrata da una casta che basa sull’ignoranza e sulla credenza a fenomeni scientificamente assurdi non solo la propria fede ma anche la propria ricchezza . L’immacolata concezione, la resurrezione, tutti i vari episodi witchcraft mentioned in the Bible, every single dogma are no less ridiculous in the history of Santa Claus and make the Christian religion an intricate architecture of fairy tales dressed by a blind reactionary extremism to any possible progress in civic, cultural and social life.
So why children can not be free to believe in a folk story who leave on their own growing, while the same religious adults who destroy these dreams are saving and just believe in things no less absurd? Just
priests, who act as strict censorship of children's dreams at Christmas time, during the rest of the year are doing their utmost to 'forge' minds through baptism, catechismo, didattica nelle scuole cattoliche e ora di religione in quelle pubbliche.
di Daniele Raimondi
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