Friday, December 17, 2010

Educational Psychology Phd Orlando

The pasta in salted version: radish cake

La pasta sfoglia che vi ho proposto nella ricetta della Apple Pie è perfetta anche per il salato, sia per sfogliatine piccole che per le torte.
Io ho provato questa ricetta con tofu e radicchio che mi ha suggerito la mia carissima socia, la Cuoca Mattarella (a brevissimo il sito ed è venuta riproporrò a Natale!

l'impasto è sempre il solito, ma dato che repetita iuvant...eccovelo!

Per la sfoglia
300 gr farina tipo 2
90 ml corn oil or
Ages 2 pinches of salt 1 tsp turmeric

little iced water For the filling: 2 heads of radicchio

a packet of smoked tofu
200 ml of soy milk or soy yogurt
2 cuchiai extra virgin olive oil to the radicchio and 2 others for the tofu

salt 50 g chopped almonds tamari or shoyu

Mix flour, turmeric and salt. Add oil and flour well well with your hands. You'll see immediately that the turmeric in contact with the oil brings out its full color.
Then add a little iced water to form a dough that stays together. Try to work it little by little, and above all not to heat it with your hands. Of these time is almost impossible for me because my hands are perpetually frozen, even now as I write!
Put the dough in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
hours Cut the radicchio into strips, wash well and appassitelo in 2 tablespoons oil and salt. Let cool. Apart
blend tofu with smoked soy milk or yogurt, 2 tablespoons of oil and a tablespoon of shoyu.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Roll out the dough as thinly as possible and place in cooled radicchio. Above
roll out the whipping cream the tofu and garnish the cake with almond paste.
Bake for 30-35 minutes so until the pastry is golden!

Merry Christmas!


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