Orange Spelt Muffins with carrots, apples and pumpkin seed
A cuddle for winter breakfasts. The cold persists and the early morning, when everything is still dark, durissssima leave the warmth of the blankets ... but the thought of these muffins that await me in the kitchen for breakfast fatigue fades (a little) and get is much sweeter!
This version of the muffin comes from a beautiful book of recipes called "Baked" Isidora Popovic. It is not vegan but now veganizzare le ricette mi viene naturale! Gli spunti di questo libro sono molto interessanti e gli accostamenti degli ingredienti curiosi!
Gustatevi questi muffin .."leggeri, sani e saporiti con accenti di mela e cannella".
Ingredienti per 6 muffin:
150 gr farina integrale di farro
50 ml succo di mela
30 ml olio di mais
2 C malto di orzo o di riso
1 C raso di maizena
1 C zucchero di canna
1/2 bustina di cremor tartaro
1 cucchiaino di cannella
1 cucchiaino di aceto di mele
1 carota piccola (70 gr circa) grattuggiata
1/2 mela renetta a cubettini
20 gr semi di zucca
pizzico di sale
30 gr semi di zucca
pizzico di zucchero di canna su ciascun muffin
In una terrina mescolate farina, maizena, lievito, cannella, sale, semi di zucca.
A parte miscelate insieme l'olio, il malto, lo zucchero e l'aceto, mescolando bene.
Versate il composto liquido su quello secco, mescolando velocemente. Aggiungete quindi anche le mele a cubettini e la carota grattuggiata. L'impasto deve essere piuttosto asciutto e non liquido, tuttavia non dovrete vedere farina ancora secca percui eventualmente aggiungete un pò di succo di mela.
Oliate e infarinate 6 pirottini per muffin, riempiteli con l'impasto fino a 2/3.
Distribuite sopra ogni muffin un pizzico di zucchero di canna e qualche seme di zucca.
Infornate at 175 ° for 20-25 minutes depending on your oven. Always do the toothpick test to be sure!
The kitchen will smell delicious while cooking! Good breakfast :-)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Change Malibu Lights To Angel Lights
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Eurotech Dishwasher Problems
Tunisia, la moglie del presidente fugge con 1,5 tonnellate di oro
La moglie dell’ex presidente tunisino Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, deposto dopo 23 anni trascorsi al potere da manifestazioni di piazza senza precendeti, sarebbe fuggita dalla Tunisia con una tonnellata e mezza d’oro. Lo rivela il quotidiano francese Le Monde, che cita fonti dei servizi segreti francesi. Secondo informazioni raccolte a Tunisi, Leila Trabelsi, la moglie del presidente, si sarebbe recata alla Banca di Tunisia per prelevare dei lingotti d’oro. Il governatore si sarebbe inizialmente opposto, e la signora Ben Ali avrebbe quindi chiamato il marito il quale, dopo essersi anch’egli opposto, avrebbe alla fine ceduto. La former First Lady of Tunisia - Le Monde - would then took a flight to Dubai, before returning to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he fled her husband. "It seems that Mrs. Ben Ali is playing with the gold," says a senior French. "One and a half tonnes of gold, worth EUR 45 million." According to Le Monde still not clear outlines of the escape of Ben Ali. The President probably did not think in such a sudden ending of the crisis, and several European chancelleries believe that his or her escape was facilitated by the Libyan security services.
Pending government of national unity
Tunisian Prime Minister has promised to announce today the formation of a coalition government, hoping to defuse the protest and neutralize the armed men loyal to former president. On the night in some areas of the capital they heard gunfire after clashes yesterday between special forces and Tunisian men close to the deposed president. Former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, stayed in power for about 23 years, he escaped in a hurry last Friday after weeks of violent street protests. A Reuters reporter in the district of Tunis El Omrane said they heard gunshots until 3 in the morning. According to the story of some residents, persons on cars, on motorbikes or on foot shooting seemingly objective and then disappear. "There are snipers on the roof. We do not know where. We are asking for help from security forces, "one man said on state television. But Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi has promised quick action to fill the power vacuum created after the escape of Ben Ali, fixed in Saudi Arabia. Three opposition leaders will take place in the coalition, told Reuters as two sources close to the political negotiations. But the Foreign and Interior Ministers of the old administration will keep their place. The Ben Ali loyalists have fought against the army of the presidential palace, while two armed men stationed on a roof next to the central bank were killed by fire from a helicopter. The tanks took position around the capital Tunis and soldiers stand guard public buildings. During the night several inhabitants of Tunis improvised barricades road with tree branches to protect their property from looting.
. .
La moglie dell’ex presidente tunisino Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, deposto dopo 23 anni trascorsi al potere da manifestazioni di piazza senza precendeti, sarebbe fuggita dalla Tunisia con una tonnellata e mezza d’oro. Lo rivela il quotidiano francese Le Monde, che cita fonti dei servizi segreti francesi. Secondo informazioni raccolte a Tunisi, Leila Trabelsi, la moglie del presidente, si sarebbe recata alla Banca di Tunisia per prelevare dei lingotti d’oro. Il governatore si sarebbe inizialmente opposto, e la signora Ben Ali avrebbe quindi chiamato il marito il quale, dopo essersi anch’egli opposto, avrebbe alla fine ceduto. La former First Lady of Tunisia - Le Monde - would then took a flight to Dubai, before returning to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he fled her husband. "It seems that Mrs. Ben Ali is playing with the gold," says a senior French. "One and a half tonnes of gold, worth EUR 45 million." According to Le Monde still not clear outlines of the escape of Ben Ali. The President probably did not think in such a sudden ending of the crisis, and several European chancelleries believe that his or her escape was facilitated by the Libyan security services.
Pending government of national unity
Tunisian Prime Minister has promised to announce today the formation of a coalition government, hoping to defuse the protest and neutralize the armed men loyal to former president. On the night in some areas of the capital they heard gunfire after clashes yesterday between special forces and Tunisian men close to the deposed president. Former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, stayed in power for about 23 years, he escaped in a hurry last Friday after weeks of violent street protests. A Reuters reporter in the district of Tunis El Omrane said they heard gunshots until 3 in the morning. According to the story of some residents, persons on cars, on motorbikes or on foot shooting seemingly objective and then disappear. "There are snipers on the roof. We do not know where. We are asking for help from security forces, "one man said on state television. But Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi has promised quick action to fill the power vacuum created after the escape of Ben Ali, fixed in Saudi Arabia. Three opposition leaders will take place in the coalition, told Reuters as two sources close to the political negotiations. But the Foreign and Interior Ministers of the old administration will keep their place. The Ben Ali loyalists have fought against the army of the presidential palace, while two armed men stationed on a roof next to the central bank were killed by fire from a helicopter. The tanks took position around the capital Tunis and soldiers stand guard public buildings. During the night several inhabitants of Tunis improvised barricades road with tree branches to protect their property from looting.
. .
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Women 60 Years Bigboobs
Chocolate Cake Black Forest type
Eccolaaaaaaaaa! The cake that was depopulated during these two days, I prepared for the anniversary of my parents and I made a copy to the work where it was eaten on the fly!
E 'super chocolaty, I dare not think about calories! But apart from the chocolate is light (this sentence is not just standing, I admit it!)
The preparation is not too elaborate, you must have patience and let the cake cool completely before farcirla percu ... does not apply the rule "but from the outer edge is cool, go ... tagliamola! .. ruin everything! prepare it at night, then go to bed in the morning and be ready to be filled and frosted!
Ingredients: 200 gr flour 2
0 80 g flour 80 g sugar cane or malt
60 ml corn oil
60 g cocoa powder 10 gr cornstarch or potato starch or frumina
a jam jar with sour cherries sugar-free cream of tartar 1 packet
about 200 grams of dark chocolate
clear apple juice to taste (about a pint)
black cherries to decorate
pinch of salt Preparation:
Just like Every other cakes:-D
Unite gli ingredienti secchi ovvero farine, lievito, zucchero, sale, cacao e amido. Aggiungete poi l'olio e sfarinatelo bene bene con le mani. A questo punto aggiungete il succo di mela quanto basta per ottenere un composto cremoso e senza grumi. Deve sembrare una mousse, diciamo che ci vanno dai 200 ai 300 ml di succo.
A questo punto oliate una tortiera e infornate a 180° per 30 minuti (controllate con la prova stecchino!).
Lasciate raffreddare completamente la torta (vedi introduzione post!) e a questo punto tagliatela a metà per farcirla.
Come prima cosa io ho bagnato la torta con del succo di mela, qualche cucchiaio. Poi ho spalmato la marmellata per bene su entrambi i lati della torta e l'ho richiusa.
A parte ammorbidite un pò una tavoletta di cioccolato. Potete metterla nel microonde per un minuto oppure nel forno per 3 minuti circa, il risultato deve essere un cioccolato che si appiccica un pò alle mani. Con una consistenza di questo tipo potrete facilmente ricavare dei bei riccioli utilizzando un pelapatate!! Fate piu riccioli possibile con la tavoletta in questione, e una volta finiti metteteli in freezer a solidificare.
Sciogliete poi l'altra tavoletta di cioccolato a bagno maria. (PASSAGGIO CRITICO!!!!) Una volta sciolto tutto ho aggiunto 100 ml di succo di mela bollente (mi raccomando il fatto che sia bollente è fondamentale). A questo punto con un cucchiaino dovete mescolare a lungo. All'inizio in cioccolato si rapprenderà ma abbiate trust and continue stirring. After a while you get a nice cream that, once solidified, will not be as tough as pure chocolate, but will stay soft!
also apply a layer of jam on top of the cake, the best to level and fill any little holes or cracks. Now pour the icing on the cake by spreading good anywhere using a spatula or a spoon (the convex side, I recommend it!: D).
vosri Now take the chocolate curls and sparpagliateli well over the entire cake, including edges. Decorate with some red cherry or other fruit you like.
store in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so that the re glaze congeals well.
If the rest in the fridge lasts a long time there is no problem, just remember to remove it from the fridge half an hour before serving! It is very
scene (my photos do not do it justice) and is very good ... what more could you want? :-D
Eccolaaaaaaaaa! The cake that was depopulated during these two days, I prepared for the anniversary of my parents and I made a copy to the work where it was eaten on the fly!
E 'super chocolaty, I dare not think about calories! But apart from the chocolate is light (this sentence is not just standing, I admit it!)
The preparation is not too elaborate, you must have patience and let the cake cool completely before farcirla percu ... does not apply the rule "but from the outer edge is cool, go ... tagliamola! .. ruin everything! prepare it at night, then go to bed in the morning and be ready to be filled and frosted!
Ingredients: 200 gr flour 2
0 80 g flour 80 g sugar cane or malt
60 ml corn oil
60 g cocoa powder 10 gr cornstarch or potato starch or frumina
a jam jar with sour cherries sugar-free cream of tartar 1 packet
about 200 grams of dark chocolate
clear apple juice to taste (about a pint)
black cherries to decorate
pinch of salt Preparation:
Just like Every other cakes:-D
Unite gli ingredienti secchi ovvero farine, lievito, zucchero, sale, cacao e amido. Aggiungete poi l'olio e sfarinatelo bene bene con le mani. A questo punto aggiungete il succo di mela quanto basta per ottenere un composto cremoso e senza grumi. Deve sembrare una mousse, diciamo che ci vanno dai 200 ai 300 ml di succo.
A questo punto oliate una tortiera e infornate a 180° per 30 minuti (controllate con la prova stecchino!).
Lasciate raffreddare completamente la torta (vedi introduzione post!) e a questo punto tagliatela a metà per farcirla.
Come prima cosa io ho bagnato la torta con del succo di mela, qualche cucchiaio. Poi ho spalmato la marmellata per bene su entrambi i lati della torta e l'ho richiusa.
A parte ammorbidite un pò una tavoletta di cioccolato. Potete metterla nel microonde per un minuto oppure nel forno per 3 minuti circa, il risultato deve essere un cioccolato che si appiccica un pò alle mani. Con una consistenza di questo tipo potrete facilmente ricavare dei bei riccioli utilizzando un pelapatate!! Fate piu riccioli possibile con la tavoletta in questione, e una volta finiti metteteli in freezer a solidificare.
Sciogliete poi l'altra tavoletta di cioccolato a bagno maria. (PASSAGGIO CRITICO!!!!) Una volta sciolto tutto ho aggiunto 100 ml di succo di mela bollente (mi raccomando il fatto che sia bollente è fondamentale). A questo punto con un cucchiaino dovete mescolare a lungo. All'inizio in cioccolato si rapprenderà ma abbiate trust and continue stirring. After a while you get a nice cream that, once solidified, will not be as tough as pure chocolate, but will stay soft!
also apply a layer of jam on top of the cake, the best to level and fill any little holes or cracks. Now pour the icing on the cake by spreading good anywhere using a spatula or a spoon (the convex side, I recommend it!: D).
vosri Now take the chocolate curls and sparpagliateli well over the entire cake, including edges. Decorate with some red cherry or other fruit you like.
store in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so that the re glaze congeals well.
If the rest in the fridge lasts a long time there is no problem, just remember to remove it from the fridge half an hour before serving! It is very
scene (my photos do not do it justice) and is very good ... what more could you want? :-D
Friday, January 14, 2011
Signs Of Bipolar Disorder
Target reached Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia largest Internet will remain free for another year thanks to the signing of players: a few days before the tenth anniversary of its foundation, the brainchild of Jimmy Wales has reached and passed the ' fundraising goal of $ 16 million that will not have to collect advertising for at least another year. "It is proof of the spirit behind the Wikipedia," Wales said. The fundraising was the largest of the ten-year history of the encyclopedia: 500 000 people in 140 countries have contributed just 50 days. The announcement was made by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that runs Wikipedia and related projects. In full panic about the future of publishing in a world that will not pay for information, Wikipedia was launched in mid-November the signing: "The advertising and business are not the devil, but they are concepts that do not belong to us. We are like a library or a public park, "explained Wales whose picture at the opening of each page online encyclopedia, has helped to convince readers. It is taken as one of the fastest fundraising history. "Wikipedia is the only major site of the top ten on the Internet that is free of advertising, thanks mainly to its users," he detto la direttrice esecutiva di Wikimedia Sue Gardner annunciando che gli 'striscionì in apertura di pagina saranno sostituiti da altri che ringraziano la comunità globale e invitano i 400 milioni di utenti a diventare volontari.
La raccolta fondi avviene ogni anno ma nel 2009 avevano contribuito a Wikipedia in 230 mila mentre stavolta oltre mezzo milione di persone hanno investito una media di 22 dollari a testa. L'annuncio di Wikimedia coincide con un altro proclama sul web secondo cui Facebook continua a dimostrare il successo di un altro modello di profitti online: la pubblicità. Goldman Sachs investirà 450 milioni di dollari sul social network dando al sito web di Mark Zuckenberg, che nel 2010 è stato il più visitato della network, a theoretical assessment of the market of 50 billion dollars. Wikipedia to the end of the campaign coincides with the celebrations of the tenth anniversary Jan. 15: to support the celebrations that include video-conferencing of Wales with the communities around the world t-shirts will be produced in limited editions in 200 languages \u200b\u200bin the world in sales for 25 dollars each for the benefit of the encyclopedia.
Target reached Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia largest Internet will remain free for another year thanks to the signing of players: a few days before the tenth anniversary of its foundation, the brainchild of Jimmy Wales has reached and passed the ' fundraising goal of $ 16 million that will not have to collect advertising for at least another year. "It is proof of the spirit behind the Wikipedia," Wales said. The fundraising was the largest of the ten-year history of the encyclopedia: 500 000 people in 140 countries have contributed just 50 days. The announcement was made by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that runs Wikipedia and related projects. In full panic about the future of publishing in a world that will not pay for information, Wikipedia was launched in mid-November the signing: "The advertising and business are not the devil, but they are concepts that do not belong to us. We are like a library or a public park, "explained Wales whose picture at the opening of each page online encyclopedia, has helped to convince readers. It is taken as one of the fastest fundraising history. "Wikipedia is the only major site of the top ten on the Internet that is free of advertising, thanks mainly to its users," he detto la direttrice esecutiva di Wikimedia Sue Gardner annunciando che gli 'striscionì in apertura di pagina saranno sostituiti da altri che ringraziano la comunità globale e invitano i 400 milioni di utenti a diventare volontari.
La raccolta fondi avviene ogni anno ma nel 2009 avevano contribuito a Wikipedia in 230 mila mentre stavolta oltre mezzo milione di persone hanno investito una media di 22 dollari a testa. L'annuncio di Wikimedia coincide con un altro proclama sul web secondo cui Facebook continua a dimostrare il successo di un altro modello di profitti online: la pubblicità. Goldman Sachs investirà 450 milioni di dollari sul social network dando al sito web di Mark Zuckenberg, che nel 2010 è stato il più visitato della network, a theoretical assessment of the market of 50 billion dollars. Wikipedia to the end of the campaign coincides with the celebrations of the tenth anniversary Jan. 15: to support the celebrations that include video-conferencing of Wales with the communities around the world t-shirts will be produced in limited editions in 200 languages \u200b\u200bin the world in sales for 25 dollars each for the benefit of the encyclopedia.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How To Make Biggest Party Mount And Blade
Nasce il Burkea, cioè il burka di IKEA
is born "Burkea," that is the burka IKEA
David Pelanda
is born "Burkea," that is the burka IKEA
In the discussion these days about the new mosque in Turin you can also enter the vexed issue of headscarves.
Just to put some 'meat to the fire, as they say, you may not have noticed that some super-hypermarkets are making the recruitment of Muslim women in various jobs as a cashier and stand throughout Italy and abroad. Muslim women who wear the veil, hijab, burka instead. This is happening, for example, here in some parts of the Coop, but also other supermarket chains.
But how to reconcile these Muslim women the veil which, by tradition and religious requirement, they must necessarily bring?
Here, then, that after the "burkini" or the right swimsuit for Muslim women to veil so to speak, "embedded", born to another element that could be defined as "marketing identity": it could be called in this case the "burkea", that is the burka of IKEA.
Just to put some 'meat to the fire, as they say, you may not have noticed that some super-hypermarkets are making the recruitment of Muslim women in various jobs as a cashier and stand throughout Italy and abroad. Muslim women who wear the veil, hijab, burka instead. This is happening, for example, here in some parts of the Coop, but also other supermarket chains.
But how to reconcile these Muslim women the veil which, by tradition and religious requirement, they must necessarily bring?
Here, then, that after the "burkini" or the right swimsuit for Muslim women to veil so to speak, "embedded", born to another element that could be defined as "marketing identity": it could be called in this case the "burkea", that is the burka of IKEA.
Yes, because just between the Swedish DIY furniture we can see girls with an Islamic veil made of two pieces, without clasp, navy blue color edged in yellow and bearing the logo in yellow IKEA. A corporate hijab - as has been described in some Islamic sites - which testifies of belonging to Islam and at the same time women workers in a business community. The first branch
IKEA al mondo che ha deciso di lanciare questo velo con marchio è stata quella di Edmonton vicino a Londra: hanno contattato una ditta, la a cui hanno affidato l'incarico di progettare e produrre appunto quello che possiamo chiamare il "burkea", cioè il burka targato IKEA.
Detto, fatto! Il sito di vendita di veli online è riuscito a sfornare un "due pezzi", con i colori dell'azienda (blu e giallo) e il logo dell'azienda. I due pezzi coprono la testa, il collo e le spalle, è dove è sistemata la piccola scritta IKEA.
«Lodiamo IKEA per essere venuta incontro alle necessità culturali e religiose delle proprie impiegate» ha dichiarato lo sceicco Ibrahim Mogra, a capo della commissione business community and the mosque for the Muslim Council of Britain.
IKEA al mondo che ha deciso di lanciare questo velo con marchio è stata quella di Edmonton vicino a Londra: hanno contattato una ditta, la a cui hanno affidato l'incarico di progettare e produrre appunto quello che possiamo chiamare il "burkea", cioè il burka targato IKEA.
Detto, fatto! Il sito di vendita di veli online è riuscito a sfornare un "due pezzi", con i colori dell'azienda (blu e giallo) e il logo dell'azienda. I due pezzi coprono la testa, il collo e le spalle, è dove è sistemata la piccola scritta IKEA.
«Lodiamo IKEA per essere venuta incontro alle necessità culturali e religiose delle proprie impiegate» ha dichiarato lo sceicco Ibrahim Mogra, a capo della commissione business community and the mosque for the Muslim Council of Britain.
David Pelanda
Monday, January 10, 2011
How Far Can I See With A Spotting Scope??
Cafone dell’anno 2010, eletto dai finlandesi , INDOVINATE CHI ...
. .
Berlusconi for the rest of the world is now a speck on which to sneer at full blast and at all levels. Today
Berlusconi is clearly a leader for all the international diplomacy ... struck down by all the major importance of local and world media. But our unedifying "peasant Year" not doing so well even in Italy. And if ever the Consulta, a few days, was to declare unconstitutional the legal impediment, well, he would be the end of the dream of dominating his way Italy and the Italians.
Berlusconi's election to "Cafone Year" was decreed by the readers of Prince Finnish newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" that attaraverso a poll attributed to Berlusconi and his dishonorable international title. Berlusconi is placed just behind Tiger Woods, now best known for its confused private life, who love to repeat with its squandering of miliodi dollars for their sport. In third place was the former boyfriend of Madeleine of Sweden, Jonas Bergstrom, who was caught with another few days before the wedding already fixed. What is even more
sputtaneggiante for our little loved premier (only 35% of Italians still puts trust in him) was elected "peasant Year" with almost a plebiscite vote, which speaks volumes about the lack of international credibility currently enjoyed by our premier.
On the first page of the Finnish daily, in addition to the photo of Berlusconi, also dominates its unfortunate phrase, clearly of homophobic: "Better a love for beautiful girls to gay." In Finland, one of the most civilized and democratic world, its citizens have not forgotten the public comments, of dubious taste, made by Berlusconi on food, monuments and even the Finnish President Halonen Tanja. In conclusion this
his election as "boors of the Year" certifica ancora una volta l’imperizie e la stupidità di Berlusconi quando si avventura in dichiarazione insensate e inopportune … e lo ha fatto troppe volte in 17 anni di politica “non politica” fallimentare. Il vecchio Berlusconi dovrebbe metteri in testa una volta per tutte che nessuno lo reputa infallibile, eterno e figlio unigenito di Dio … al quale tutto è permesso!
Caro vecchio berlusca, la verità è una sola: Sei finito e noi ringraziamo Iddio!
Lucio Vecchiotti /
"Cafone the year 2010"
Berlusconi elected by the Finnish
. .
Berlusconi for the rest of the world is now a speck on which to sneer at full blast and at all levels. Today
Berlusconi is clearly a leader for all the international diplomacy ... struck down by all the major importance of local and world media. But our unedifying "peasant Year" not doing so well even in Italy. And if ever the Consulta, a few days, was to declare unconstitutional the legal impediment, well, he would be the end of the dream of dominating his way Italy and the Italians.
Berlusconi's election to "Cafone Year" was decreed by the readers of Prince Finnish newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" that attaraverso a poll attributed to Berlusconi and his dishonorable international title. Berlusconi is placed just behind Tiger Woods, now best known for its confused private life, who love to repeat with its squandering of miliodi dollars for their sport. In third place was the former boyfriend of Madeleine of Sweden, Jonas Bergstrom, who was caught with another few days before the wedding already fixed. What is even more
sputtaneggiante for our little loved premier (only 35% of Italians still puts trust in him) was elected "peasant Year" with almost a plebiscite vote, which speaks volumes about the lack of international credibility currently enjoyed by our premier.
On the first page of the Finnish daily, in addition to the photo of Berlusconi, also dominates its unfortunate phrase, clearly of homophobic: "Better a love for beautiful girls to gay." In Finland, one of the most civilized and democratic world, its citizens have not forgotten the public comments, of dubious taste, made by Berlusconi on food, monuments and even the Finnish President Halonen Tanja. In conclusion this
his election as "boors of the Year" certifica ancora una volta l’imperizie e la stupidità di Berlusconi quando si avventura in dichiarazione insensate e inopportune … e lo ha fatto troppe volte in 17 anni di politica “non politica” fallimentare. Il vecchio Berlusconi dovrebbe metteri in testa una volta per tutte che nessuno lo reputa infallibile, eterno e figlio unigenito di Dio … al quale tutto è permesso!
Caro vecchio berlusca, la verità è una sola: Sei finito e noi ringraziamo Iddio!
Lucio Vecchiotti /
Saturday, January 8, 2011
I'm Addicted Tonicotine Lozenges
tofu and pumpkin pies with ginger
What a long absence!
The parties, as I believe all are flown. Kitchen, relatives and work have kept me a little bit away from the pc ... but do not get rid of me so easily!
These days so much (too much) food has gone from these parts percu mental clarity has been compromised a bit! Now starting to recover and to be charged for everything and start posting dippiù! A Christmas
I have prepared several tasty little things, but these cupcakes were the most successful. I do not know why but I have lots of percutaneous preparations went ahead to eat for several days and I've also frozen and used them as schiscietta to take office. That good!
They are also very simple to do in reality, however, still nice to see.
Makes about 15 patties
1 kg pumpkin 1 package of tofu 100 g fresh ginger
50 grams pistachios a handful more to decorate
100 gr boiled chickpeas 2 tablespoons of flour (except the one you want 00)
milk Soy
salt to taste Method
clean the pumpkin and cook in oven or steam until it becomes very tender.
mash them and leave them in a large bowl where he will put all other ingredients. Crumble the tofu well and add pumpkin. Also add the chickpeas, chopped pistachios previously (preferably fine) and two tablespoons of flour.
With a blender to blend everything and begin to mix. The compound will be percu a little hard to add a little soy milk just enough to blend without being able to melt your friend minipi. I recommend the mixture should still remain dense, not soft.
need not be all blended to perfection, a few pieces of tofu or pumpkin rather not give you any trouble, give a bit of consistency the pie. Apart
grated ginger. Pick up and squeeze the grated pulp by dropping the juice in the bowl with the mixture. Add a teaspoon of salt and mix everything well. Try to control the degree of flavor you enjoy it then go to the cooking stage.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the cups in aluminum and pour in a spoonful of each compound. Abound as well will not grow much. Decorate top with some
chopped pistachios and bake for about 20-30 minutes depending on oven. The patties should be dry and brown, a little above.
Once cooked, allow to cool before removing from cups! If not disintegrate completely. Fidatevi e abbiate pazienza!!
Sono ottimi serviti a temperatura ambiente o leggermente riscaldati in forno. Potete anche congelarli e si conservano benissimo!!
What a long absence!
The parties, as I believe all are flown. Kitchen, relatives and work have kept me a little bit away from the pc ... but do not get rid of me so easily!
These days so much (too much) food has gone from these parts percu mental clarity has been compromised a bit! Now starting to recover and to be charged for everything and start posting dippiù! A Christmas
I have prepared several tasty little things, but these cupcakes were the most successful. I do not know why but I have lots of percutaneous preparations went ahead to eat for several days and I've also frozen and used them as schiscietta to take office. That good!
They are also very simple to do in reality, however, still nice to see.
Makes about 15 patties
1 kg pumpkin 1 package of tofu 100 g fresh ginger
50 grams pistachios a handful more to decorate
100 gr boiled chickpeas 2 tablespoons of flour (except the one you want 00)
milk Soy
salt to taste Method
clean the pumpkin and cook in oven or steam until it becomes very tender.
mash them and leave them in a large bowl where he will put all other ingredients. Crumble the tofu well and add pumpkin. Also add the chickpeas, chopped pistachios previously (preferably fine) and two tablespoons of flour.
With a blender to blend everything and begin to mix. The compound will be percu a little hard to add a little soy milk just enough to blend without being able to melt your friend minipi. I recommend the mixture should still remain dense, not soft.
need not be all blended to perfection, a few pieces of tofu or pumpkin rather not give you any trouble, give a bit of consistency the pie. Apart
grated ginger. Pick up and squeeze the grated pulp by dropping the juice in the bowl with the mixture. Add a teaspoon of salt and mix everything well. Try to control the degree of flavor you enjoy it then go to the cooking stage.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the cups in aluminum and pour in a spoonful of each compound. Abound as well will not grow much. Decorate top with some
chopped pistachios and bake for about 20-30 minutes depending on oven. The patties should be dry and brown, a little above.
Once cooked, allow to cool before removing from cups! If not disintegrate completely. Fidatevi e abbiate pazienza!!
Sono ottimi serviti a temperatura ambiente o leggermente riscaldati in forno. Potete anche congelarli e si conservano benissimo!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
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Slot machine e i 98 miliardi DI EVASIONE FISCALE KE FINE HANNO FATTO
[ Raccolta firme ] [ Volantini ] [ Rassegna stampa ] [ Il Secolo XIX: tutta l'inchiesta ] [ Scoppia il "caso" (anni 2007 - 2008) ] [ Gli aggiornamenti dal 2009 a oggi ] [ Il "caso" su YouTube ]
Photos of the birth of the Volunteer Committee of € 98 billion
speakers shirts for € 98 billion
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Slot machine: e i 98 miliardi?
€ 98 billion = € |
Approvati due Ordini del Giorno Comune di Genova: all'unanimità Regione Liguria: all'unanimità |
Tutto nasce da un'inchiesta giornalistica condotta da Marco Menduni e Ferruccio Sansa e pubblicata giovedì 31 maggio 2007 (!) su "Il Secolo XIX": «... C’è un tesoro da quasi cento miliardi di euro che lo Stato non ha mai riscosso, nel mega business delle macchinette videopoker e dei giochi. Tre Finanziarie...» ( clicca qui per leggere tutto l'articolo ). In un successivo loro article published on "Il Secolo XIX" by Friday, June 29, 2007 (!), and Sansa Menduni write: "... The prosecutor of Rome, however, also wants to understand who we really are behind the company that manages the" treasure "slot machine. Some companies, noted a member of the committee of inquiry has shifted its seat abroad despite being the holders of concessions with the Italian State. not alone. According to investigators, the world's legal gambling would become a fundamental tool for funding of parties on both sides. |
Collect Signatures for Retrieving 98 billion euros that the concessionaires of slot machine MUST Italian State signatures already received: 182 ----- signature via e-mail by clicking here Download Forms: PDF - doc / rar |
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The happiness of society are dealers for slot machines: 98 billion to be paid that no one asks them! |
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Kodak Kodachrome, la fine di un’era?
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People know you as the photographer of Sharbat Gula, "the girl with green eyes that you've photographed in Peshawar, Pakistan. Did you take that photo in 1984 when you were in a refugee camp in Afghanistan. You feel a bit 'prisoner of this icon?
No, not at all. Indeed, perhaps just the opposite. I mean I perceive all this as if it was a sort of gift. It is an honor to be linked to a photo like that so much, I personally find it beautiful and I am very happy to have taken.
The raging and digital anche i più restii lentamente scoprono le “croci e le delizie” di questo nuovo modo di fare fotografia. L’analogico lentamente ci sta abbandonando. Circa un anno fa veniva annunciata la fine della produzione della mitica pellicola Kodachrome della kodak, in produzione sin dal 1935. L’ultimo rullino della produzione è stato consegnato al famoso Steve McCurry, fotogiornalista del National Geographic da oltre 30 anni. Steve ha utilizzato la pellicola Kodachrome per 35 anni ed ora che di fatto non è più in produzione, ha affermato che “E’ la fine definitiva di un’era”. Sembra quindi che le ultime 36 foto di questo “pezzo di storia”, siano state scattate da McCurry a New York. Due "Myths", so that seals a marriage that does not end, but remains unchanged in time through the beautiful and colorful images of Steve McCurry.
Kodak Kodachrome: the end of an era?
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photographer Steve McCurry Sharbat Gula
People know you as the photographer of Sharbat Gula, "the girl with green eyes that you've photographed in Peshawar, Pakistan. Did you take that photo in 1984 when you were in a refugee camp in Afghanistan. You feel a bit 'prisoner of this icon?
No, not at all. Indeed, perhaps just the opposite. I mean I perceive all this as if it was a sort of gift. It is an honor to be linked to a photo like that so much, I personally find it beautiful and I am very happy to have taken.
The raging and digital anche i più restii lentamente scoprono le “croci e le delizie” di questo nuovo modo di fare fotografia. L’analogico lentamente ci sta abbandonando. Circa un anno fa veniva annunciata la fine della produzione della mitica pellicola Kodachrome della kodak, in produzione sin dal 1935. L’ultimo rullino della produzione è stato consegnato al famoso Steve McCurry, fotogiornalista del National Geographic da oltre 30 anni. Steve ha utilizzato la pellicola Kodachrome per 35 anni ed ora che di fatto non è più in produzione, ha affermato che “E’ la fine definitiva di un’era”. Sembra quindi che le ultime 36 foto di questo “pezzo di storia”, siano state scattate da McCurry a New York. Due "Myths", so that seals a marriage that does not end, but remains unchanged in time through the beautiful and colorful images of Steve McCurry.
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In Emilia Romagna piovono tortore
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If Arkansas blackbirds raining, raining in Emilia Romagna doves. Let's go back a week. During the festivities of New Year, thousands of red-winged blackbirds are dying in the town di Beebe . Cadono dal cielo nei giardini, nelle strade e nei tetti come colpiti da un fulmine. Non si conoscono ancora le cause della strage. Le ipotesi finora sono di grandine ad alta quota, di avvelenamento dell'aria e persino per lo spavento per i fuochi di Capodanno (sic). L'unico fatto appurato è che i merli hanno perso la vita a causa di coaguli di sangue per ferite interne. Il fatto strano è che nessun altro tipo di uccello è stato colpito e che gli abitanti del luogo non hanno sofferto di alcun malessere. Lo strano episodio non si è però concluso a Beebe. Tre giorni dopo centinaia di merli sono trovati a Baton Rouge e Organza in Louisiana . Quattro days after a hundred crows die Falkoeping in Sweden, with the same lesions seen in the battlements. Five days after hundreds of blackbirds die Murray, Kentucky. January 6 is the round of doves, eight thousand agonizing about the state of Faenza and its surroundings. In the science fiction film
danger of a catastrophe is announced by giant flock of birds rise into the air and fled away. If we fall instead of flying directly into head what can it mean?
"The bodies of hundreds and hundreds of" Collared Dove "were found the industrial zone in Faenza, near the factory Tampieri SpA Guards Hunting WWF collect daily from Sunday dozens of corpses of birds, even the blackbirds were Arkansas, expelled from the gutter of the factory. The neighbors complain about a few days a particularly acrid smell, like burned flesh. Many of them collect and dispose of containers in dozens of dead birds. E 'hygienically dangerous, but then no one disposes of ... A boy of 5 stars MoVement Ravenna collected three doves death, we are planning to take them to a laboratory analysis as a group and pay the council. The Tampieri company is famous for producing incredible stench that you hear through the Highway A-14 at Faenza. Its owner is the president of Confindustria Ravenna. No director has ever occurred in these twenty years, concrete steps to stop these terrible miasma . We believe that it should occupy the Department of Health and the Environment Lusenti Freda. For this tomorrow today presented a 'question in the region. " Giovanni Favia, Emilia Romagna Regional Council MoVimento 5 Stars
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In Emilia Romagna rain doves
The slaughter of doves in Faenza
danger of a catastrophe is announced by giant flock of birds rise into the air and fled away. If we fall instead of flying directly into head what can it mean?
"The bodies of hundreds and hundreds of" Collared Dove "were found the industrial zone in Faenza, near the factory Tampieri SpA Guards Hunting WWF collect daily from Sunday dozens of corpses of birds, even the blackbirds were Arkansas, expelled from the gutter of the factory. The neighbors complain about a few days a particularly acrid smell, like burned flesh. Many of them collect and dispose of containers in dozens of dead birds. E 'hygienically dangerous, but then no one disposes of ... A boy of 5 stars MoVement Ravenna collected three doves death, we are planning to take them to a laboratory analysis as a group and pay the council. The Tampieri company is famous for producing incredible stench that you hear through the Highway A-14 at Faenza. Its owner is the president of Confindustria Ravenna. No director has ever occurred in these twenty years, concrete steps to stop these terrible miasma . We believe that it should occupy the Department of Health and the Environment Lusenti Freda. For this tomorrow today presented a 'question in the region. " Giovanni Favia, Emilia Romagna Regional Council MoVimento 5 Stars
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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Western Union si è presa il 20% dei soldi destinati alla famiglia di Josh come Committee
Western Union has taken 20% of the money for the family of Josh as a commission
Josh's story is repeated with pain every day all over the world an amazing number of times the last year well 44.3 billion dollars have been sucked up by transaction costs! The World Bank recommends that transaction costs do not exceed 5% of the total, but there have never been asked that urgent public calls to Western Union to reduce its onerous fees.
If we join in a global cry now, we can shame these predatory practices and force them to change the registry. Let us recall a Western Union per abbassare le sue tariffe per i paesi più poveri al 5% , e quando la petizione raggiungerà le 250.000 firme la consegneremo ai componenti del consiglio di amministrazione della compagnia. Firma ora e inoltra questa e-mail ai tuoi amici e alla tua famiglia:
I contributi dai lavoratori alle famiglie in tutto il mondo superano di gran lunga gli aiuti dei governi stranieri al terzo mondo e costituiscono un'ancora di salvataggio per le economie più povere. Tagliare gli osceni profitti delle compagnie come Western Union aumenterebbe esponenzialmente gli aiuti destinati ai paesi in via di sviluppo. E invece le famiglie in tutto il mondo hanno ricevuto meno di quello che spettava loro, per permettere al direttore generale di Western Union di portarsi a casa 8,1 milioni di dollari nel 2009.
La Banca mondiale raccomanda che le compagnie di trasferimenti di denaro limitino le commissioni al 5% della somma trasferita, ma alcune banche e compagnie hanno costi nascosti di portata astronomica. Paradossalmente sono proprio i paesi più bisognosi, appena usciti da un periodo di guerra o di distruzione, a portare il peso delle perdite più grosse sulle spalle, a causa dei privilegi monopolistici e degli accordi esclusivi che queste compagnie hanno con le banche locali.
Anziché sostenere la vita dei famigliari home, the savings of men and women who work in hospitals, construction sites and restaurants end to swell the profits of Western Union. The company supports charitable projects to improve its image as a company, but these are nothing compared to the huge disparity perpetrated by their business model. We raise our voices to ask for reasonable transaction costs, and help to bring immediate benefits to families around the world. Together we can ensure that families in need, rather than directors, to benefit:
https: / / / en / make_giving_powerful /? Vl
When citizens around the world unite against le ingiustizie, possono respingere la cupidigia incontrollata e l'ineguaglianza come mai prima d'ora. Incoraggiati dal calore e dall'empatia delle feste, facciamo sì che i regali arrivino alle persone più bisognose.
Con speranza e gratitudine,
Luis, Stephanie, Graziela, David, Paula, Ben, e il resto del team di Avaaz
Lo stipendio del direttore generale di Western Union triplicato nel 2009 , Associated Press (in inglese):
Il tempo è passato per la giustizia nei pagamenti , ACORN International (in inglese):
https: / / / remittance_justice_report
What does it cost to send money home? , World Bank:
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Western Union has taken 20% of the money for the family of Josh as a commission
Josh's story is repeated with pain every day all over the world an amazing number of times the last year well 44.3 billion dollars have been sucked up by transaction costs! The World Bank recommends that transaction costs do not exceed 5% of the total, but there have never been asked that urgent public calls to Western Union to reduce its onerous fees.
If we join in a global cry now, we can shame these predatory practices and force them to change the registry. Let us recall a Western Union per abbassare le sue tariffe per i paesi più poveri al 5% , e quando la petizione raggiungerà le 250.000 firme la consegneremo ai componenti del consiglio di amministrazione della compagnia. Firma ora e inoltra questa e-mail ai tuoi amici e alla tua famiglia:
I contributi dai lavoratori alle famiglie in tutto il mondo superano di gran lunga gli aiuti dei governi stranieri al terzo mondo e costituiscono un'ancora di salvataggio per le economie più povere. Tagliare gli osceni profitti delle compagnie come Western Union aumenterebbe esponenzialmente gli aiuti destinati ai paesi in via di sviluppo. E invece le famiglie in tutto il mondo hanno ricevuto meno di quello che spettava loro, per permettere al direttore generale di Western Union di portarsi a casa 8,1 milioni di dollari nel 2009.
La Banca mondiale raccomanda che le compagnie di trasferimenti di denaro limitino le commissioni al 5% della somma trasferita, ma alcune banche e compagnie hanno costi nascosti di portata astronomica. Paradossalmente sono proprio i paesi più bisognosi, appena usciti da un periodo di guerra o di distruzione, a portare il peso delle perdite più grosse sulle spalle, a causa dei privilegi monopolistici e degli accordi esclusivi che queste compagnie hanno con le banche locali.
Anziché sostenere la vita dei famigliari home, the savings of men and women who work in hospitals, construction sites and restaurants end to swell the profits of Western Union. The company supports charitable projects to improve its image as a company, but these are nothing compared to the huge disparity perpetrated by their business model. We raise our voices to ask for reasonable transaction costs, and help to bring immediate benefits to families around the world. Together we can ensure that families in need, rather than directors, to benefit:
https: / / / en / make_giving_powerful /? Vl
When citizens around the world unite against le ingiustizie, possono respingere la cupidigia incontrollata e l'ineguaglianza come mai prima d'ora. Incoraggiati dal calore e dall'empatia delle feste, facciamo sì che i regali arrivino alle persone più bisognose.
Con speranza e gratitudine,
Luis, Stephanie, Graziela, David, Paula, Ben, e il resto del team di Avaaz
Lo stipendio del direttore generale di Western Union triplicato nel 2009 , Associated Press (in inglese):
Il tempo è passato per la giustizia nei pagamenti , ACORN International (in inglese):
https: / / / remittance_justice_report
What does it cost to send money home? , World Bank:
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