Monday, January 17, 2011

Eurotech Dishwasher Problems

Tunisia, la moglie del presidente fugge con 1,5 tonnellate di oro

La moglie dell’ex presidente tunisino Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, deposto dopo 23 anni trascorsi al potere da manifestazioni di piazza senza precendeti, sarebbe fuggita dalla Tunisia con una tonnellata e mezza d’oro. Lo rivela il quotidiano francese Le Monde, che cita fonti dei servizi segreti francesi. Secondo informazioni raccolte a Tunisi, Leila Trabelsi, la moglie del presidente, si sarebbe recata alla Banca di Tunisia per prelevare dei lingotti d’oro. Il governatore si sarebbe inizialmente opposto, e la signora Ben Ali avrebbe quindi chiamato il marito il quale, dopo essersi anch’egli opposto, avrebbe alla fine ceduto. La former First Lady of Tunisia - Le Monde - would then took a flight to Dubai, before returning to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he fled her husband. "It seems that Mrs. Ben Ali is playing with the gold," says a senior French. "One and a half tonnes of gold, worth EUR 45 million." According to Le Monde still not clear outlines of the escape of Ben Ali. The President probably did not think in such a sudden ending of the crisis, and several European chancelleries believe that his or her escape was facilitated by the Libyan security services.

. BachecaWeb

Pending government of national unity
Tunisian Prime Minister has promised to announce today the formation of a coalition government, hoping to defuse the protest and neutralize the armed men loyal to former president. On the night in some areas of the capital they heard gunfire after clashes yesterday between special forces and Tunisian men close to the deposed president. Former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, stayed in power for about 23 years, he escaped in a hurry last Friday after weeks of violent street protests. A Reuters reporter in the district of Tunis El Omrane said they heard gunshots until 3 in the morning. According to the story of some residents, persons on cars, on motorbikes or on foot shooting seemingly objective and then disappear. "There are snipers on the roof. We do not know where. We are asking for help from security forces, "one man said on state television. But Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi has promised quick action to fill the power vacuum created after the escape of Ben Ali, fixed in Saudi Arabia. Three opposition leaders will take place in the coalition, told Reuters as two sources close to the political negotiations. But the Foreign and Interior Ministers of the old administration will keep their place. The Ben Ali loyalists have fought against the army of the presidential palace, while two armed men stationed on a roof next to the central bank were killed by fire from a helicopter. The tanks took position around the capital Tunis and soldiers stand guard public buildings. During the night several inhabitants of Tunis improvised barricades road with tree branches to protect their property from looting.


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