Friday, January 7, 2011

How Do I Make My Russian Mw2 English?

Slot machine e i 98 miliardi DI EVASIONE FISCALE KE FINE HANNO FATTO

Slot machine: e i 98 miliardi?
€ 98 billion = €

Tutto nasce da un'inchiesta giornalistica condotta da Marco Menduni e Ferruccio Sansa e pubblicata giovedì 31 maggio 2007 (!) su "Il Secolo XIX":
«... C’è un tesoro da quasi cento miliardi di euro che lo Stato non ha mai riscosso, nel mega business delle macchinette videopoker e dei giochi. Tre Finanziarie...» ( clicca qui per leggere tutto l'articolo ).

In un successivo loro article published on "Il Secolo XIX" by Friday, June 29, 2007 (!), and Sansa Menduni write:
"... The prosecutor of Rome, however, also wants to understand who we really are behind the company that manages the" treasure "slot machine. Some companies, noted a member of the committee of inquiry has shifted its seat abroad despite being the holders of concessions with the Italian State.
not alone. According to investigators, the world's legal gambling would become a fundamental tool for funding of parties on both sides.

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98 billion euros that the concessionaires of slot machine MUST Italian State
signatures already received: 182

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Photos of the birth of the Volunteer Committee of € 98 billion

speakers shirts for € 98 billion

The happiness of society are dealers for slot machines:
98 billion to be paid that no one asks them!

. .
Stampa subito 30 foto gratis! .


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