"Cafone the year 2010"
Berlusconi elected by the Finnish
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Berlusconi for the rest of the world is now a speck on which to sneer at full blast and at all levels. Today
Berlusconi is clearly a leader for all the international diplomacy ... struck down by all the major importance of local and world media. But our unedifying "peasant Year" not doing so well even in Italy. And if ever the Consulta, a few days, was to declare unconstitutional the legal impediment, well, he would be the end of the dream of dominating his way Italy and the Italians.
Berlusconi's election to "Cafone Year" was decreed by the readers of Prince Finnish newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" that attaraverso a poll attributed to Berlusconi and his dishonorable international title. Berlusconi is placed just behind Tiger Woods, now best known for its confused private life, who love to repeat with its squandering of miliodi dollars for their sport. In third place was the former boyfriend of Madeleine of Sweden, Jonas Bergstrom, who was caught with another few days before the wedding already fixed. What is even more
sputtaneggiante for our little loved premier (only 35% of Italians still puts trust in him) was elected "peasant Year" with almost a plebiscite vote, which speaks volumes about the lack of international credibility currently enjoyed by our premier.
On the first page of the Finnish daily, in addition to the photo of Berlusconi, also dominates its unfortunate phrase, clearly of homophobic: "Better a love for beautiful girls to gay." In Finland, one of the most civilized and democratic world, its citizens have not forgotten the public comments, of dubious taste, made by Berlusconi on food, monuments and even the Finnish President Halonen Tanja. In conclusion this
his election as "boors of the Year" certifica ancora una volta l’imperizie e la stupidità di Berlusconi quando si avventura in dichiarazione insensate e inopportune … e lo ha fatto troppe volte in 17 anni di politica “non politica” fallimentare. Il vecchio Berlusconi dovrebbe metteri in testa una volta per tutte che nessuno lo reputa infallibile, eterno e figlio unigenito di Dio … al quale tutto è permesso!
Caro vecchio berlusca, la verità è una sola: Sei finito e noi ringraziamo Iddio!
Lucio Vecchiotti / gossipenews.it
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